This is such a fascinating story. Not only is Governor Charlie Baker involving himself in an intraparty dispute to an unprecedented extent, trying to force out conservative members of the Republican State Committee in the March 1 elections, but he is also raising a ton of cash from unidentified donors to fund the effort.
According to the Globe, Baker is asking wealthy donors – who have not been identified, and who apparently can stay anonymous under state campaign finance law since the elections in question are not for public office but rather for seats on the party committee – to pony up big, $10,000-ish donations to bankroll the effort. The Globe reports that some $300,000 has already been raised.
It’s really interesting that Baker is trying to purge the state GOP of conservatives. It’s even more interesting that big donors are willing to open their checkbooks big time to help him do it. And it’s SUPER interesting that we have no idea who these big donors are, or what business they might have with the state. This does seem to be a major loophole in the state’s campaign finance law. Baker is raising money for an overtly political purpose that directly benefits his political ambitions, yet there’s no way to trace the cash. Remarkable.
Christopher says
I was confused when I first got wind of it because Governor Patrick was not at all a factor for my (ultimately unopposed) race for the Democratic State Committee.
jconway says
I’ve been tipped off to this for quite some time. The other thing is, a lot of this money is likely going to be wasted since the more conservative slates are doing s better job affiliating themselves within the more conservative electorate coming out for the primaries.
More than one moderste Republican has confirmed this and also indicated Charlie will get a primary over this. Enough to Ed King Mr. fixit? Unlikely, but enough to bloody him a little on his way to the cakewalk against the other Warren in 2018.
Christopher says
…indicating His Excellency’s popularity, but hey, if they want to primary him all I can say is pass the popcorn!
Andrei Radulescu-Banu says
I disagree, the state is much better off in one year with Baker than in several years with other governors.
But it looks like the man is a politician first, and he’s not afraid to skate to the edge of the ice.
Peter Porcupine says
Intelligent man, excellent administrator, but terrible politician.
The smart thing to do would be to ignore the conflict. Let the Liberty people write an embarrassing platform – he’s not bound by it. The same geniuses who tried to fiddle with the count against Mark Fisher are worried, as new SC would fire them pronto. THEY are the Political Experts, and are telling the Governor how important this us, and so it is -to them.
merrimackguy says
He can’t get more done in this state without approaching a minority to sustain a veto.
He’s not going to expand the party without clearing out some people. There are some people that are just too far out for MA.
I get the grassroots are important but he’s not going to need them in 2018. He fights this battle in 2016, and in 2018 has some coattails. and maybe, just maybe, he’s got enough of a Republican minority in the House to sustain (or in conjunction with the furthest right of the Dems) a veto.
Andrei Radulescu-Banu says
What veto does he need? Baker works better with the Democrats than even Patrick did.
It’s government by consent. Why would Baker get in a situation where he needs to veto something? It’s not in his backbone.
merrimackguy says
All overridden.
Christopher says
…there IS in fact a difference between our Democratic supermajorities and our relatively moderate GOP Governor?! Given the bellyaching here I was starting to wonder.
Peter Porcupine says
There gave been 5-figure state committee races down here for at least 8 years. The 2012 race featured radio and TELEVISION commercials.
Which is insane because if you are doing the job right, you are not only not getting money you are spending a couple thousand a year on travel, donating, etc.
Bob Maginn began this business of offering incumbents cash. Some turned it down as unethical. Then again, they were voted off the SC as they could not – or refused – to outspend their opponents and make their office on the SC pay-to-play.
merrimackguy says
Baker is trying to get the craziest elements out of the SC. It’s for the good of the state.
David says
I said I thought it was really interesting, and I do. And of course, a popular moderate Republican purging his party of conservatives is a first-rate “pass the popcorn” moment for those of us on the other side of the aisle. I think the dark money thing is worrisome for all the obvious reasons, but I’m not losing sleep over it.
merrimackguy says
It’s a hard slog moving some of these entrenched people because MA Republican voters are older and mostly hard core. They’ll be voting for RTC members on the same day. The mailers might work in a “no idea who this person is but I’ll throw him a vote” so of way. I know some of these people and a few are flat out kooks. Others are just too far right on the social issues.
merrimackguy says
They are older and more right wing than most.
pogo says
Andrei Radulescu-Banu says
Flouting transparency and leaning hard on relationships made during the campaign and the first year in office? How is this good for the state?
merrimackguy says
The state committee is a mess. He’s trying to fix that. Some of the people he wants out would be despised here at BMG.
Andrei Radulescu-Banu says
He’s trying to fix it by overspending opponents… How did that work for opponents of Donald Trump, for example?
This is a debate of ideas, and a gap in political engagement. If you don’t change minds, not much is likely to come of it.
merrimackguy says
in a very low turnout election. A couple mailings might make the difference.
David says
Isn’t that the point of doing it the same day as the presidential primary? I’m sure lots of people blank the state committee questions, since nobody knows who they are, but lots of people at least see the ballot, no?
That said, I totally agree that it’s a low *information* election, and that a couple of mailers could make a big difference.
fredrichlariccia says
I’ve seen the Republican mailers for State Committee but nothing from the Democrats. Not even a press release in the local paper. I don’t even know if we have a candidate.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Peter Porcupine says
Peter Porcupine says
The Democrats have their adherents properly silenced, providing them with occasional bread-and-circus platform and issues debates which the actual powers in the party are free to ignore. You all have the SC people you deserve.
This is, at least, a passionate debate about the nature of the party’s philosophy. And I am unusual among moderates in that I think if we don’t have the support among the rank and file, then we deserve to lose. IMO, these lovely cash alternatives merely justify the allegations by the most extreme among us of fixing and corruption. We aren’t Democrats!
You can’t buy love.
I agree with Baker’s motives, as far as it is confined to making his stand in the philosophical debate clear, but it is an enormous waste of money that should be going to candidates for OFFICE, not kindergarten.
kbusch says
The trains don’t run on time.
centralmassdad says
from the perspective of party operatives like this. Dems are elected to everything, and GOP is marginal in everything other than the governor, who is at the mercy of legislative leadership. What’s not to love?
kbusch says
I was referring to problems with the MBTA
Christopher says
…and these usually aren’t conducted as public campaigns, though I believe our own sco is running and even has lawn signs. Remind me which Senate district you live in and I can be more specific.
fredrichlariccia says
and every night in the local press we are bombarded with photos and pressers of the Republican candidates — 2 males and 2 females— along with Gov. Baker and Lt.Gov Polito who have endorsed in the race.
And from the Democrats ? Crickets.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Christopher says
…for either gender ballot seat in 5MI. The current male ballot seat is held by Joseph Lawless III of Malden, but he gets 20-year status this year thus opening the seat. Usually this would be a ripe circumstance for a contest, but the only candidate appears to be Ben Tafoya of Reading who currently holds the male CAUCUS seat, which I guess opens that seat up as well, but I’m not sure who filed for that.
Your female ballot seat is currently held by Betsy Sheeran of Wakefield, but she appears to not be seeking re-election. The only candidate filed to succeed her is Kathleen Manning Hall of Malden. Again, I thought an open seat might precipitate a contest. Your female caucus seat is held by Susan Thomson of Malden, former Executive Director of the MDP and one of MA’s elected members of the DNC.
In addition, Congresswoman Clark and Senator Markey are ex officio DSC members who reside in your district, but your district appears not to have any add-on members. Anyone interested in seeing who your current DSC members can check this list and for this year’s candidates see this list.
TheBestDefense says
Joe Lawless was one of the best portals for progressive advocates into government during the Ed King years. Tom McGee was the much maligned Speaker but we all knew Joe was the guy who could be willingly pushed into making McGee the best part of the King-Bulger-McGee governance structure. McGee was usually
TheBestDefense says
This post should have said:
Joe Lawless was one of the best portals for progressive advocates into government during the Ed King years. Tom McGee was the much maligned Speaker but we all knew Joe, his policy director, was the guy who could be willingly pushed into making McGee the best part of the King-Bulger-McGee governance structure.
McGee was usually seen as the bad guy, and he often was. He was also somebody who was glad to take the shots. If you were concerned about the treatment of poor people during the late 70s, McGee was you best bet.
fredrichlariccia says
Christopher, thank you for explaining the difference between BALLOT, CAUCUS and EX-OFFICIO members.
My beef is not with the outstanding DSC members you cited. They are all longtime friends and great Democrats.
The Democratic Party, leaders and candidates need to do a better job of communicating our vision and message to the public especially in advance of an election.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
stomv says
I’m not following your 5th somesuch or other closely. But it sounds like:
1. The race isn’t competitive, and
2. You like the candidates.
So who exactly do you want to invest time and/or money making this newsworthy, and at the expense of what other thing?
fredrichlariccia says
whether their race is contested or not to have enough respect for voters to ASK for their vote.
I’m NOT asking candidates in uncontested races to spend time or money.
But is it asking too much to put a free press release in your local paper announcing your candidacy and telling folks your qualifications for the position ?
Fred Rich LaRiccia
SomervilleTom says
I’m a lifelong Democrat. I’m much happier with the national Democratic Party than with the Massachusetts Democratic Party.
All this material about “ballot, caucus, and ex-officio members” strikes me as the nuts and bolts of a visibly and transparently broken machine (and yes, the pun is intentional).
The Massachusetts Democratic Party is not representing me. The current Massachusetts government is currently overwhelmingly dominated by elected officials who are, as far as anyone can tell from public records, members of and affiliated with the Massachusetts Democratic Party. The resulting government is not representing me on at least the following issues:
– Wealth and income concentration
– Public rail transportation
– Education
– Privacy
– Government transparency
– Militarization of police
It isn’t clear to me that frobbing the knobs, nuts, and bolts of the existing machine is going to solve the problem I see. These particular exchanges seem more focused on explaining why things are as they are rather than how things might be different.
What would it take for a NEW organization to take over, so that I can sign up for the new organization, support its candidates in local elections, and retain my lifelong identity with the national Democratic Party?
centralmassdad says
There are options.
fredrichlariccia says
Tom, believe me when I tell you that I feel your pain. These are times that try men’s souls when it comes to our state and local Democratic Party.
Hell, I got so frustrated and disillusioned with Do Nothing DINOism on my local DTC that I resigned in disgust. But instead of cursing the darkness I helped to found and organize a non-profit to address quality of life issues called the Wakefield Civic League.
And then I meet a beautiful, young, idealistic, progressive Democrat like Jen Migliore and I got sucked right back in again. This time it’s a no brainer. I’m going to break my back helping elect her my State Rep to replace a status quo Do Nothing Republican.
And while we’re at it, I’m still fighting for our girl, Hillary, to win on Super Tuesday and beyond.
I don’t know what else to do. Unless you think I should take up drinking instead. 🙂
Fred Rich LaRiccia
fredrichlariccia says
In contrasting Democrats to Republicans, our friend Barney Frank, nailed it when he said : ” We’re not perfect, but they’re crazy.” 🙂
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Christopher says
The GOP did a better job than we did making sure there is at least one nomination per seat. A few seats for us are listed as “no nominations” whereas that phrase is nowhere to be found on the GOP list. I’m sure we will ultimately fill the seats, however. I am aware of at least one write-in campaign and we will use Senate district conferences to fill any remaining vacancies.
jconway says
Some of my sources told me he is picking candidates who have failed in other endeavors and they sent me links to organized tea party groups that are mailing out their slates to voters. If Trump wins our primary, is he bringing out harder core conservatives or first time voters who blank? I’m not sure, but it’s more likely than not this doesn’t work out for Baker. Either way, it’ll have a low impact on his re-election which makes me curious about his long term aims here.
Peter Porcupine says
To the extent they have failed in endeavors, it is a referendum on if they did their job, or just swanned around enjoying prestige.
merrimackguy says
He just needs to get a few more votes while protecting his existing votes so that they don’t do anything stupid.
merrimackguy says
Vote for the Presidential candidate
Vote for the State Committee Man and Woman which is by State Senate District
Vote for the Town or City Committee
In Andover that last choice is a list of 35 people put forth by the RTC chairman. In theory you could assemble an alternate group and oppose that slate.
It’s rare that there’s any choice below President. Most people aren’t going to know their State Committee person. The people on the RTC will get votes according to how well they are know (State Rep, Selectman, etc) and it’s clear that some vote for everyone.
Christopher says
Christopher says
…there IS a contested race for male DSC member. Jim Blatchford and Jay Manuel Rivera are both active in Merrimack Valley Young Dems and the former was on Lawrence School Committee until he unsuccessfully ran for City Council last year. There’s a good chance that whichever of them does not get elected will try for one of the youth add-on seats.
hesterprynne says
as appearing in a flyer sent by Catholic Citizenship (an organization with quite a few state GOP ties) to influence a Democratic primary in Fall River. The incumbent, Kevin Aguiar, lost the primary.
Gay marriage
Transgender persons
Human cloning
GLBT persons
Sex education
Doctor-assisted suicide
Sales tax
Sex education (again)
School prayer
In-state tuition for immigrant children
Peter Porcupine says
Who but John Howard is worried about human cloning? Is he a candidate????
jasongwb says
..but his hand picked choice to replace Leah Cole in the 12th Essex lost pretty handily in the primary to an opponent who raised very little money. I would not be shaking in my boots if I was any of the crazies Baker is looking to get rid off.
bob-gardner says
. . . and pulling a Republican ballot (in order to vote against Trump), those people will have a chance to make a pick for the state GOP. and maybe make a big difference in that race.
dasox1 says
Baker must have concluded that the way he is governing will not motivate the right-wing of his party. In other words, he’s not going to weigh-in on or spend much political capital on hot button social issues, or dog whistle political issues that motivate the Sara Palins out there. So, in order to limit the bitching of the far-right-wingers, he’s trying to cut them out of the party establishment altogether. Baker probably sees more of an opportunity to consolidate the support of moderate, pro-business independents, than the tea-partiers, and this helps him do just that. Smart politics, I think.
Peter Porcupine says
If not, a SC on record as hostile to him.
He ought not to have risked his own reputation. But MA GOP staff appear to have valued their well being over his.
Andrei Radulescu-Banu says
Baker has 70% support in the state. If the State Committee goes against him, it is only marginalizing itself with the 70%. Which is probably fine with them, stuck as they are in their strange ways.
kbusch says
There’s very little evidence that the Nelson Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party is about to stage a passionate resurgence here, there, or anywhere.
centralmassdad says
Mark L. Bail says
mind, but maybe he wants the Republican Party in Massachusetts as a viable, uninsane party that has some interest in governing. Nationally, the GOP’s coalition is burning up, but something will rise from the ashes eventually. Perhaps Baker is trying to make it be the Nelson Rockefeller wing.
fredrichlariccia says
but if you think you’re going to build a Republican reform, progressive, Rockefeller wing you might not want to start by endorsing a corrupt regressive like “Bridgegate” Christie who bailed out after losing New Hampshire.
If Charlie is truly a Rockefeller Republican he should endorse the only moderate left in the field — John Kasich. But I doubt he will.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
fredrichlariccia says
and the GLOBE urges Independents to take a Republican ballot to vote Kasich in order to stop Trump who was endorsed by Scotto ‘diet pill huckster’ Brownie.
Whatcha gonna do now, Gov ?
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Fred Rich LaRiccia