When a candidate’s campaign manager tries something this desperate – obviously ludicrous and trivial to defend against – it can only mean that their candidate knows they’re pretty hosed:
Robby Mook declaims Bernie’s lavish lifestyle and such
I could well be wrong, but I think the thing’s largely over.
Please share widely!
which half?
It’s silly season, but looking at the Super Tuesday map I’m having a hard time coming up with states other than VT that Sanders is likely to win.
If he wins NH it gives him a bounce in Carolina, not enough
to win, but enough to avoid a blowout. I think he could surprise in Nevada which is a caucus state and where he has some electeds and unions. And he will win Massachusetts and Illinois and maybe Virginia or I’m Pauline Kael (since all my friends in those states to a person are with him, including many Obama campaigners). Maybe ME, WA and OR too. I agree eventually his window closes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he surprises in more places than we expect. He’s no Obama, but he’s no Bill Bradley either.
…and I doubt IL and VA. Here we are very loyal to the Clintons. I haven’t seen polling so if you have I’d be interested, but I don’t see a lot of traction for a socialist in the South.
And shows huge Clinton leads. You could probably toss a coin and it would give you better information.
I kind of think that MA will go Clinton, in roughly the same proportion it did in 2008.
She got clobbered with white working class voters-as I’ve been saying for months Bernie actually appeals to the disaffected independents Trump
is winning over, from this mornings Times:
I actually expect him to beat her in parts of the South and Midwest. Friends have been campaigning for him in Indiana which has far more active Bernie chapters than Hillary. Not saying he will win the nomination, he will lose big media big delegate states like TX, NY and CA, but I suspect he will do quite well in New England, the Northwest, and unexpected places in the rust belt and coal country.
As for Massachusetts being Clinton country, so was New Hampshire until last night.
“Here we are very loyal to Clintons?”
Loyalty to the cause, not to the person. Hold on to your Whigs, Massachusetts.
But it seems like the Clinton camp knows exactly how, and they have way more resources than I do.
Her campaign blows.
Yeah, she’ll likely win, but no thanks to a great or even good campaign. I really question this team’s ability to win a general.
She is a much better candidate than what her campaign is doing for her.
…is that running for office and holding office are two very different skill sets. Campaign snafus aren’t going to move me from my conviction that she would make a better PRESIDENT which is ultimately what I’m looking for.
This might turn out to be a huge success for HRC, only because of the muddle that is coming out of the election she wasn’t running in.
Mook has an interesting background in grassroots activism, and even got his start with Sanders, but he is running a re-election campaign rather than a race for an open nomination. It shows. And apparently the Penns, Begala’s and Carvilles aren’t on payroll but are always present as svengalis behind the throne. I’d fire every single advisor and keep Bill’s tin ear far away and let Huma plan the logistics while Hillary does the strategy. Or bring on board de Blasio who managed her successful Senate run, a more upbeat campaign for a more uphill battle.
He is whining about Bernie staying in expensive hotels when he travels for business but Mook works for a woman who took millions in personal gain, money in the personal bank account. Mook epitomizes everything wrong with politics of either the D- or R- version and HRC chose him. Gross, disgusting, vile.