Last week Scott Brown went out on a limb and endorsed front runner Donald Trump. Trump had been polling with a significant lead for weeks in New Hampshire.
I give you Scotto this morning (via Boston Herald radio) following the Trump win:
So my job was to actually you know in a week and half mobilize a much as we could the ground game here in New Hampshire with you know my people that I had in place just a short couple of years ago. And you know we were really able to kind of get the wheels moving and let them understand what you need to do in the GOTV effort and taking nothing for granted. And just some little nuanced changes and a lot of the things that I was suggesting I was seeing being implemented so it was nice to play a small role in it. And you know they’re excited. Listen, they’re new at this. It’s kind of fun to be with somebody who’s never done this before.
Statehouse News with the transcript.
reminds me of JFK’s : ” Success has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan.”
Brownie just can’t help himself from sucking up to the Donald’s billions.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Four times ……this guy never left junior high school.
Nope, unless you a complete sycophant, Trump will have nothing to do with you.
Yes, there were 4 “you knows” but the Trump camp will have counted 5 “I” or ‘my”, thats the end of him!
Legend of Scott Brown.
But Scott Brown is an excellent retail politician.
Any advice he gave to a campaign that had spent more money on trinkets and hats than polling and door knocking likely helped the campaign in a politically entitled place like NH.
I don’t know about anyone else, but Scott Brown doesn’t NEARLY rate even my dislike, never mind “mindless hatred”. What I feel instead is utter contempt — the man doesn’t rate anything more personal than that.
I generally have this reaction to men who similarly publicly embarrass their daughters. I don’t doubt that Mr. Brown is effective in pandering to the mob that is receptive to the toxins of Donald Trump.
He’s a washed up hack desperate for media attention and hoping to land his next no show gig. If he were a Democrat, the Herald and Carr would have a field day with how desperate he is.
Look he is a significantly better campaigner than Martha Chokely, I give him that, but that’s a pretty low bar.
Sorry, just highlighting how incredibly sad and pathetic Brown is in craving attention. His repeated losses and his no show with Markey it not something for candidates to build off of. Brown trying to attach himself to Trump and claiming some sort of accomplishment is a joke. He’s become Ernie Boch Jr.
how their beloved Atty General, champion of the people, lost to him.
Or, maybe, how they nominated such a poor candidate for such an important and seemingly easy election at such an important time.
I met the guy, and I agree that he is a pretty good “retail” politician and probably gave some pretty good advice to the Trump people in NH.
There seems to be a lot of familiarity with him and insight into his inner workings.
Him, Perry, deMacedo, all elected the same year.
in my hometown of Wakefield. I’m older that he is but every one here knows the Legend of Scottie Brown. His arrest for shoplifting, posing nude for Playgirl, yadda, yadda, yadda. A regular Horatio Alger rags to riches our Scottie was. An All-American boy next door.
Not really. He got lucky and hit the political jackpot when our real hero, Ted Kennedy , died in office. Talk about being in the right place at the right time !
At first the empty suit fooled an unsuspecting public. But Harry Truman was right when he noted that the saving grace of the American people is that eventually they figure out who the phony frauds are. What he called the ‘counterfitters’. And once that happens it’s over. Stick a fork in him. He’s done.
So, Brownie, the rank opportunist, who took back ‘The People’s Seat’ had to face off against the woman who I called, when first I met her; Ted Kennedy’s true legacy— Elizabeth Warren— ‘the Lioness of the Senate’. Strong, Smart, Fearless, and a Fighter.
And the rest is history. Scotto, the Carpetbagger, lost to New Hampshire Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen and instead of becoming the first in the nation to become Senator from two states; he made history for being the first man in history to LOSE to two women. The gods really do have a sense of humor. đŸ™‚
So now, the snake oil pill huckster grifter, is kissing the ‘Donald’s’ billionaire butt trying to get a piece of the action.
But to those of us who know him best he’s still just a sorry pretender joke of the boy next door.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
…how did he beat Angus McQuilkin’s ass and move from House to Senate? When his opponent had been the esteemed aide to Sen. Jacques?
Gee, and we kept his house seat too with (now Senator) Ross.
God knows, his life turned around when he was able to LEAVE Wakefield for Wrentham, but I imagine getting out of there is good for a lot of people.
He IS a good retail, one-on-one politician.
Exactly what I thought. You don’t actually know him but it’s so much fun to diss him.
What’s funny is a lot of people on the other side talk about Ted Kennedy like that.
Born Lucky
Stays lucky despite killing one woman and crippling another
Sucks as a husband- wife ends up a mess. Still trotted her out when he needed her.
Messed with a sitting President of his own party (great team player!)
Boozer and womanizer extraordinaire
Poor example to offspring (rehab Patrick) and relatives (rapist Smith)
Are those your thoughts on Kennedy? Does Brown have anything positives like Ted in his upbringing (as he was poor, with multiple stepfathers), or has he damaged or negatively influenced so many lives?
hope you have obamacare.
It’s no more proper right vs left than left vs right.
He said it, now you have your panties up in a bunch because I posted it. Please.
I agree he’s got a few too many “you knows.”
Not exactly taking credit for much
What’s your point? He said he helped Trump. That’s a post?
Does Fox still use that? It just came to me. Stop crying already.
I found it entertaining that Brown is trying so hard to make himself relevant in some way. I referenced Ernie Boch Jr. in an earlier comment, that’ the road he’s going down. Just trying to get is face in the paper. Brown had zero impact in NH, Trump’s win had nothing to do with Scotto’s No BS Backyard BBQ. That was a joke.
Hey look, Scott Brown present and Scott Brown future.
Thanks MG. Let’s see where it goes ….