Seriously, I know the case for assigning the delegates proportionally has always been similar to the T-Ball game process where “Everybody” gets a trophy no matter what.
However, while I clearly fit into the demographic that would normally be for Sanders, I intend to vote for Hillary Clinton tomorrow for deeply personal reasons that involve some of the final conversations that I had with my mother, before she died (around the time of the televised congressional hearings where Hillary held her own).
Plus, if in anyway, I can contribute to EB3’s brain exploding tomorrow, then that would just be additional icing on the cake.
P.S. Does anyone know, when the election of delegates to the convention occurs (i.e. a website), please let me know. I attended the one in 2008 at a High School in Norwood, not that far from that actual Ernie Boch Junior’s Auto Sales lot along Route 1 and I would like to see the process again. If anyone from the State Democratic Party could help me with this information (like Christopher) I would appreciate the head’s up.
Christopher says
…will be gavelled to order at 1PM on Saturday April 9th. There will be one per candidate per CD provided the candidate gets 15% of the vote in the CD (can’t imagine either candidate not making that in any CD). The locations will be announced after March 9th. The deadline for filing intent to run for delegate is March 14th. More information can be found here, including links to various forms.
mike_cote says
The link was helpful. Thank you.
Christopher says
…I would recommend going to the Clinton caucus even if you aren’t running just to see what it’s like and of course to cast your vote for the people who are running. National caucuses are open to anyone residing in the CD who registered as a Dem before February 10th.