for his cowardice in opposing waterboarding as torture.
And his followers laughed and cheered him on.
This fool is about to become the Republican nominee for President of the United States. He is a sick and depraved megalomaniac.
Where is the outrage ?
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Please share widely!
can you politely tell us what Trump actually said (inference or phonetics work fine for me).
I’m trying to be respectful.
He’s just a boring, vulgar, bully that should be ashamed of himself.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
can you imagine a Democrat getting away with that???
they would IMMEDIATELY be forced to resign their office or suspend their campaign by their fellow Democrats and drummed out of the party.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Their description of the event –
“Whenever the spotlight strays too far from Donald Trump, he finds a way to pull it back. Most politicians read speeches; Trump reads crowds. On Monday night in Manchester, in the middle of a riff about Ted Cruz’s refusal to whole-heartedly endorse water boarding or other forms of torture, he heard a shout from a woman in the audience. He paused. “She just said a terrible thing. You know what she said? Shout it out because I don’t want to say.” She complied. “Okay. You’re not allowed to say—and I never expect to hear that from you again…she said he’s a pussy. That’s terrible. Terrible!”
It’s a cheap maneuver, but not what Fred implied.
Can you please clarify how you think Mr. Trump’s “cheap maneuver” is different from what Fred implied?
Which would have been no surprise. He did at least say it was bad.
Having the woman repeat it was tasteless. But he was not the originator.
who incites the mob to violence.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
If I had been at that Trump rally with her ( highly unlikely ) — and I’m sure there were families in that YUUUUUGE crowd of thousands— and that loud mouth had insulted women that way, I would have booed him off the stage. Not ONE of his supporters booed him. On the contrary they gave him a unanimous, standing ovation amid shouts of: TRUMP ! TRUMP ! TRUMP !
Honestly, my gut instinct would have been to walk up to the vulgar cretin and punch him in the nose. And I would have gladly done the time for it.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
that’s the way I, and most men, were raised.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Republicans keep it in perspective.