But the article I linked is there and like I say, just keeping options open.
The FEC candidate filings are on their web site here: http://www.fec.gov/data/CandidateSummary.do
and I tried to find Romney’s name on it to no avail. I checked the article that Christopher cites but it has no details, merely an assertion.
OTOH I was excited to see Dat Phat A$$, Valdimir Putin, Ghost of Macho Man Randy Savage, Mr. Ronald Reagan’s Ghost, Prince of Darkness – Satan Lord of Under (the filed name is truncated here so I am hoping he is the Lord of Underwear, not Underworld), Mr. Alan Dean Capone, John Cena, Tipa Dis Dick and Dis Pussy are among the approximately 400 who have thrown their names into the ring. This election is a lot more interesting than I previously thought!
This says otherwise.
But the article I linked is there and like I say, just keeping options open.
The FEC candidate filings are on their web site here:
and I tried to find Romney’s name on it to no avail. I checked the article that Christopher cites but it has no details, merely an assertion.
OTOH I was excited to see Dat Phat A$$, Valdimir Putin, Ghost of Macho Man Randy Savage, Mr. Ronald Reagan’s Ghost, Prince of Darkness – Satan Lord of Under (the filed name is truncated here so I am hoping he is the Lord of Underwear, not Underworld), Mr. Alan Dean Capone, John Cena, Tipa Dis Dick and Dis Pussy are among the approximately 400 who have thrown their names into the ring. This election is a lot more interesting than I previously thought!
My new favorite: Tronald Dump