Ted Cruz calls the orange Douchebag a Sniveling Coward. Pathetically, the entire screed is a word for word quote from “The American President”. While watching “At Midnight” Thursday Night, they showed the Cruz screed immediately followed by the clip from the movie starring Michael Douglas and it was an exact match. How long until he starts lifting quotes from episodes of “The West Wing” written by Laurence O’Donnell? Because when Alan Alda played the Republican Nominee for President during the final year of the show, he had many excellent lines. I can’t wait to see how low the supposed “Anyone but Trump” candidate will go.
Please share widely!
I immediately recalled the movie and quote. Mashable has a good video. Crissakes even when you are sympathetic to the guy, he shows that he has no soul. Cruz can’t muster enough emotion to come up with a quote himself.
Sen. Vinick was a fantasy Republican, the likes of which haven’t been nominated in a long time.
The National Enquirer is running with a story about at least 5 extramarital affairs by Cruz.
This is the same outfit that broke the John Edwards news in 2007.
I think they also broke the story of Liza Manelli’s imminent death. Several times.
Seems like Alien abductions were a staple of this publication for many years.
The link you provide shows Cruz lifting one line.
It’s a clear and unattributed quote.
saying that Cruz lifted a quote is true, saying that he lifted “the entire screed” is a lie.
And publicly saying that you don’t care whether an accusation is true or a lie reflects poorly on everything else you say. It is Good Friday after all.
I saw a link. I followed the link. I watched Mr. Cruz speak a line that he lifted from somewhere else.
When I say “same difference”, I mean that I don’t much care whether Mr. Cruz stole one sentence, three sentences, or a paragraph.
Precision matters in cases like this.
Ok, I was wrong, you are correct. Mr. Cruz only stole a single sentence.
What now? Does this change the story in ANY significant way? What’s the point here? Is Mr. Cruz a good guy after all?
I didn’t say you were wrong. I said I agreed with Bob G. I also partially agree with you that the scale doesn’t matter much (stealing is stealing), but because the subject under discussion is plagiarism, precision matters.
Is Ted Cruz a good guy? I doubt it.
I think we’re being a little too harsh.
A great many people have noticed the similarities, if this is important to you then that’s great. but really?
Joking about truth on Good Friday.
…Is Truth unchanging law? We both have Truths. Are mine the same as yours?” (Pontius Pilate in Jesus Christ, Superstar)
I hope you’re kidding about “Good Friday”.
FWIW, the concept of karma is heretical, and probably blasphemous as well, since it implicitly references a false god.
We’re slinging a whole lot of shinola around here these days.
I’m “absolutely correct”. All I want is this reality based blog to be reality based. It would have been simple enough for Mike to stick to the simple facts of this simple story. Why muck it up with gratuitous and pointless exaggeration?
This would be a lot happier place. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Sen Warren would find it nearly impossible at this time. Bloomberg with his billions of dollars decided he needed to start getting signatures to get on every state ballot by early March. It seems very late for Sen Warren to even try this, without Bloomberg’s access to fast money, let alone the uproar it would cause in both the Sanders and, especially, the HRC camps.
Ballot access is defined in each state by state law, not party rules. The RNC and DNC can change their party and convention rules any time they want but they cannot change state law. I think it safe to assume that states with Red governance will not allow their legislature to reconvene to help Sen Warren get on a ballot, preferring to running against HRC who looks pretty weak in a lot of state by state polling, rather than run against a woman with very little dark history to run against.
I think this is why the GOP stopped floating stories about having one of their own go third party against Trump.
Ballotpedia doe not have a definitive answer to the question of ballot access but they do have a lot of info here
….maybe she can deliver the transcripts?
Even if we stipulate the worst about what she might have said to GS, she is still the best prepared non-incumbent to seek the presidency in several cycles. I for one could not care less.
Why do we “let it go” after the great recession and the fact that nothing has really changed, no one went to jail, the .1% is still taking home billions and buying elections with it?
Nor did it rob people of their homes.
She is the most prepared for the status quo.
…is not for or against the status quo. It is about having the qualifications to understand and perform the job at hand. This is why resumes for any job are generally heavy on one’s relevant experience.
I immediately picked up on and appreciated the reference, which I assume he is not denying.