Sarah Brady, LGBTQ+ Caucus Chair
Joshua Trowbridge, LGBTQ+ Caucus Vice Chair
In 2015, College Democrats across the state rallied with activist groups like Freedom Massachusetts around two bills regarding transgender nondiscrimination in public spaces (H.1577 and S.735). We were extremely vocal in support of these bills, lobbying at the State House and making over 200 calls to legislators.
On the surface, LGBTQ+ equality seems to be gaining momentum. The Bruins, Red Sox, the Celtics, Patriots, and Revolution have all voiced their support of the bills. Major businesses like Google, Facebook, and Harvard Pilgrim have come out in support as well. 83% of Massachusetts’ twelve leading Fortune 500 Companies have non-discrimination policies in place that explicitly include gender identity. 17 states across the nation have passed non-discrimination protection legislation and laws to protect transgender people in public spaces.
Despite all of this obvious support, the Massachusetts House and Senate failed to vote on the bills in the 2015 legislative session. Jackie Ryan of the Tantasqua School, who is the first openly transgender elected official in Massachusetts, has been one of the strongest and most vocal activists in this fight; she is deeply and rightly concerned that “a conservative community can elect [her], but [she] can legally be denied service.” 65% of transgender people in Massachusetts report experiencing discrimination in a public area. This is simply unacceptable.
Transgender Bay Staters should not have to wait to feel safe from discrimination in bathrooms, hospitals, restaurants, and the countless other public spaces that they encounter in their everyday lives. We need reform NOW – we cannot wait any longer.
The Anti-Defamation League, Boston Alliance on Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Youth, Freedom for All Americans, MassEquality, Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, and Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, and elected officials have signed on to this movement – and we need your help.
The College Democrats of Massachusetts LGBTQ+ Caucus will be hosting an LGBTQ+ Equality State Action Call on Monday, March 21st. Join us if you were at the State House on our Lobby Day. Join us if you care about civil rights and civil liberties. Join us even if you haven’t heard about the issues facing the LGBTQ+ community in the state. We trying to build a strong movement, calling for change, and demanding expanded rights and access. We want and need you to join us.
To read more on these bills, check out our previous post on the issue and this article by Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz.
nor liberty. They are merely other names for oppression because they are the allowances of that which is not wholly approved.” ROGER WILLIAMS, the Baptist Founder of Rhode Island
Fred Rich LaRiccia
By multiple state reps I contacted personally when term limits was up for a vote. Either they lied to me or he lied to them. It’s far past time to pass this basic piece of civil rights legislation and I’m appalled that so many Democrats stand in active opposition or on the fence.
You all are fighting for the right thing, and the power brokers in the party have ignored you. They’re more concerned about *protecting* jobs than protecting trans civil rights.
It’s disgusting.
If not you run the risk of having them assume certain things about their constituents. The state party can pass resolutions and lobby, but they ultimately rely on their constituents to keep them in office, which is of course as it should be.
Some things matter more than which way the district winds are blowing. A person’s civil rights is one of those.
Democratic legislators should show some guts (for a change) and support our transgender friends and neighbors.
…but it’s still a good idea to give them feedback. That’s just how politics works.
State House of Representatives : 617-722-2000
State Senate : 617-722-1455
If you can’t reach your state rep or state senator in person tell their staff how you feel and ask them to sign on as co-sponsors of H 1577 and S 735 to stop transgender discrimination in public spaces.
You can also support the March 21 LGBTQ State House Lobby Day.
” Better to light one candle than curse the darkness.” ELEANOR ROOSEVELT
Fred Rich LaRiccia