Tuesday night a true progressive won the Democratic primary for the Plymouth and Norfolk (Cranberry Corner) senate seat. I have lived in the most right wing nut job corner of the state my whole life. Twice we voted for George Bush and recently we had a fun special town meeting to talk about the war on Christmas (because vacation at end of December is called Holiday Vacation). Most times I am happy when we only lose by 15%. Imagine my surprise when the progressive candidate topped the ticket beating the top Republican by 80 plus votes.
Joan Meschino is a strong progressive that ran an issues-based primary campaign. She is strong on women’s health, livable wage, climate change, education, public transportation, progressive taxation and economic development. Her experience in local government, combined with skills building strong partnerships in the private sector and a lifetime of advocating for the little guy in the public sector means that on Day One she will be able to do the job. I am excited about the idea of having a Democratic senator like Joan Meschino at the State House. But this will not happen without your help.
I am under no illusion that this will be easy. John Walsh always jokes with me that the reason there are good organizers on the South Shore is because there are real Republicans on the South Shore. Joan’s Republican opponent Patrick O’Connor could do nothing from now until Election Day and still win. That is why we need your help on the South Shore. If we knock on doors and call every good Democrat over the next four weeks and the stars line up just right on Election Day, we may be able to win this one.
To make it happen we are going to need a lot of help to reach out to Democratic voters in the district. We start canvassing this weekend — please join us. We’re meeting at the Wessagusset Elementary School parking lot (75 Pilgrim Rd., Weymouth, MA)
Plymouth and Norfolk Unity Canvass
This weekend Democrats will be knocking doors in Weymouth to identify voters for the upcoming special election on May 10th. Please join us by RSVP down below.
Sunday Canvass
When: 4/16 Saturday 10 am
Where: Wessagusset School 75 Pilgrim Rd., Weymouth, MA
Sunday Canvass
When: 4/17 Sunday 10 am
Where: Wessagusset school 75 Pilgrim Rd., Weymouth, MA
Have the candidates taken a position on Spectra Energy’s proposed Weymouth compressor station and four miles of pipeline in their Atlantic Bridge and Access Northeast projects? A recent article on Braintree and Weymouth mayors opposition is here, though it’s not clear if they are taking a stance based on understanding that building more gas infrastructure is the wrong direction or are just NIMBY. Hedlund has the right idea to ask for the two projects to undergo one environmental review encompassing both.
On both NIMBY and anti-fracking grounds. I’ve been happily surprised to see how widespread opposition to the pipeline is in all corners of the state, for both reasons. Our candidate in Fitchburg. Even Republicans or unenrolleds opposing this for the environment and local health, and the idea that big money is pushing it without their input. We are hoping to run an anti-pipeline candidate against Garret Bradley, and our candidate has already endorsed Joan and is actively working for her. People should donate to Bob Croce in Peabody, he’s not UIP but a D primary challenger who cares about this issue.