Remember Trump being the de facto leader of the birther movement? The birther stuff starts at the 4:00 mark. If you want to entertain yourself you can listen to the whole thing, in 2011 Trump predicted that oil prices will be $7.00 or $8.00 a gallon. I had forgotten that Trump had high poll numbers prior to announcing his candidacy, this was not a flash in the pan as some pundits have said, he was a front runner when announcing. It’s worth noting that his support came from the birthers, he was their leader, that’s where Trump found his base.
Still waiting for the report Donald.
Then the birther fiasco ended with this hilarious clip (or so we thought):
Well, yesterday Trump said that it was actually Hillary Clinton that started the birther movement.
I’m going with. Nope.
Prior to going to commercial from the taped interview, CNN had to make a statement that Clinton did not start the birther movement, she never even mentioned it during the campaign. Similar to Fox and Friends disclaimers at the end of their broadcasts which note things they said which were not true. It seems like they need to start a scroll underneath Trump when he talks. Prior to commercial Wolf Blitzer said:
Hillary Clinton never said that Barack Obama was born outside the United States
So the Trumpocalypse has begun. I would like to bring facts into the conversation of “issues” that Trump discusses, this birther stuff is a side show delaying the discussion of his policy positions. But it’s worth noting as at this stage we’re defining the candidates for the general election.
I loved when she fact checked Romney in the middle of a debate in 2012. She would certainly have plenty to do in that regard this time.