Hive mind, to arms: is Trump making a ham-handed but sincere attempt to reach out to a demographic he has mocked, insulted and threatened throughout the campaign, or is he using the monumental asininity of this Tweet to further pander to his Base o’ Hate with an ironic digital wink and self-promoting nod?
Please share widely!
Christopher says
He also has a great relationship with “the blacks”!:)
johnk says
he supports everyone : )
jnagarya says
Elizabeth Warren.
johnk says
I was out yesterday and a bunch of white Trump supporters thought this was great. Who’s the outreach targeted to?
stomv says
I assumed that he meant that he loves the Hispanics he employs in the Trump Tower Grill kitchen.
Sort of like:
johnk says
This is the kind of stuff that needs to stop. Clinton will need to start the conversation on the absurdity of his positions.
This is how he won the primary, keep on doing stupid things that his supporters love and stay clear on any details on issues.
The best response is no response, but it needs to get there with the general public.
Bob Neer says
90,000 likes isn’t going to do it. I think Trump should be considered, and rejected, on the merits. Games like this will hurt him in the general as much as they helped him in the GOP primaries I think.
jnagarya says
is to call a lie a lie, and then detail why it is a lie.
Sen. Warren has the right idea, though she should stick to issues which are factual, such as asking him the status of the Trump University fraud trial. And now and then requesting an update on that status.
And ask where are his tax returns. Repeatedly.
Label his name-calling for what it is — being specific to the particular name.
Al says
His fans were going to love it. It’s as if this is a reality show, and its star was giving as shout out to its watchers. Of course, that’s the dynamic for most of his supporters. Perhaps this was designed to hold on to those supporters and keep them in the fold.
merrimackguy says
prefer regular tacos, or better yet burritos.
johnk says
when you are trying to pretend you are eating healthy.
It’s got the word salad in it, must be healthy, right?
centralmassdad says
What a dipshit this guy is.
I thought the HRC tweet took the right tone:
Trump, today: “I love Hispanics!”
Trump, yesterday: “Deport them”
Direct, pointed, and non-schoolmarmy.
kbusch says
I think this gesture was entirely aimed at the non-Hispanic whites that are his base. He’s essentially saying, “If someone accuses me of prejudice, point to this example of my love of Latin culture.” The fact that the taco bowl is an entirely American invention is beside the point. It’s something one eats at restaurants we call Mexican.
Were Nixon to pull something like this off or were George W. Bush’s handlers able to get him to pull something like this off, it would be diabolical. Trump relies too much on his instincts for me to think it is a cleverly planned move.
joeltpatterson says
to defeat him and his enablers. The man is just against fundamental human decency, and the Republicans have him as their standard bearer.
Check out this web ad from the Senate race in Arkansas.
Anybody seen anything like this in other states’ races?
joeltpatterson says
sabutai says
It’s going to be four days on the level of Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair.
jnagarya says
a lot of screaming and yelling — and the usual smut and crass vulgarity.