Yes, that was the decision today, one that all Democrats including the presumptive nominee for president cheered. A right without access is not a right. You know where I am going, eh? If, according to our presidential nominee, affordable health care is a right, then access to wealth that makes health care affordable must be part of the equation, no? The average premium for single coverage in 2015 is $521 per month, or $6,251 per year. This is the cost of the policy, not including co-pays and all the rest, but let’s just round it out to $8,000 which is still far less then the $10,000 per person we expect to pay per person this year for actual health care.
So what is “affordable”? Can anyone tell me? Can the Democrats who support the private ownership of health care insurance please weigh in on this? Can we say that $15 an hour is too high a wage when we know that health care will cost the individual between $6,000-10,000? Looks to me like the courts have may have done us a favor on this. The “Affordable Care Act” like so many things in Washington (Right to Work for example), is anything but what it sounds like, eh?
Single Payer NOW…or at least, let’s start the path to it with a public option for ALL.
Thank you.
I have to confess as a loose constructionist I’m having a little trouble with this decision. I’m fine with the result, but I’m a little uncomfortable with SCOTUS delving into legislative motives on principle.
…today’s decision does not require the state to pay for anybody’s abortion.
In the USA, we spend 17% of of GDP on health care. If this is supposed to be “affordable”, let’s make this simple. Write down what you made last year on your tax return. Multiply that by 17% and that’s what you will have to pay into the health insurance pool. Bill & Hillary made about $30,000,000 in 2015 so they pay $5,100,000 for their insurance and that is certainly affordable for a couple making $30,000,000. This year, I’ll be raking in about $20,000 at my job, so I’ll pay $3,400 for my part. I’m willing to do this, how about you Madam Secretary?
Democrats have been pushing for a path towards single payer, I think many are still in that camp. When you do not have the votes to make it pass what do you do? Become a jackass and troll blogs, hopefully not.
You have highlighted some of your far right-wing books in the past, instead read Clinton’s positions. One that I believe is the best path forward is the push to add a public option. Something that we didn’t have the votes for with the original ACA, but I believe we have a better opportunity to push for now. It’s something that Clinton has always pushed, let people choose and have the government plan compete with private plans. I think that will moves us forward. I also think that positions us better towards the single payer in the future. Something that Sanders and his supporters have not done.
When you do not have the votes, you do not give up and say it will “never ever happen”. Hillary was a Goldwater Girl. Still want to play that game with me? I’ve read her positions and they rely on the private sector’s ownership of health care insurance and the government’s insistence that I purchase this “right” from a private company.
We need a path to a European “single payer” or Universal Health Care system. A public option would be a step in that direction. And while I know that Hillary has recently come around to that, it’s my aim to hold her there and move her closer to what the nations of the developed world have. If not for Sanders and his supporters, she would not have “evolved” to embrace the public option. Pay attention and follow the bouncing ball…
Elizabeth Warren was a Republican convinced that people brought their lot upon themselves much more recently than that.
Got it?
I’m talking about how you position your posts, LGBT are framed that I did this for you, what about me. that’s not what it’s about. I’ve commented on this stuff before. I find much of your poss framed in this way, plus the repetitive BS attacks on Clinton, that are non-sense and not based on substance, the Trump framing on jobs. It’s all Republican talking points.
Labor has not seen a raise in 40+ years with Democrats in the White House for much of that time. We still are the only developed nation without healthcare as a right. All the gains since the last recession went to the .1% with a Democrat in the White House and all you can talk about is LGBT?
means fine tobacco. For those too young.
ate my baby. But I was wrong. It was Hillary Clinton.
“You find a turtle on a fence post, you can bet your bottom dollar that someone put it there”.
Yup. Someone signed the bill that tossed out Glass Stegall. Someone signed a bill that “reformed” welfare and hurt the poor. Someone tried to work with Newt Gingrich to start and privatize Social Security…not Mrs. Clinton, just her hubby. Maybe he at your baby?
Quickest path to single payer & to controllig health costs, in Mass, is ballot question. SEIU was going to sponsor a ballot question, gathered the required signatures, then folded after making a deal with Partners.