Rather than announce each nominee for the Supreme Judicial Court as separate appointments Charlie Baker has chosen to throw three appointments out there as a group and then send Karen Polito into the Governor’s Council to plead their case.
Unfortunately Charlie has appointed three unqualified people so far up Bill Weld’s ass we see their faces every time he opens his mouth.
Where are the Dems? They should be screaming about this.
Why? Here’s why. We have three nominees with zero appeals court experience. The SJC is the highest appeals court. Most SJC justices have appeals court experience. Trial court and appeals courts are like football and baseball. Sure they are athletes but that’s where it ends.
There are exceptions and no problem with that. Margaret Marshall and others. But here we have three people from the trial court asBaker’s fist nominees.
This is typical Republican-Yankee-elitist-fuck-you-attitude that believes they are above everyone else. We are their children and they know what’s best for us. Just ask them. Even though they never punched a time clock.
Take a look at these people. Kim Budd, daughter of Wayne Budd. Big Republican African American tight ass buddy of Bill Weld.
“Hey, my friend Wayne Budd is a black guy and he has a daughter who is a lawyer who is also black. Excellent. That solves our black problem.”
Fuck you Charlie.
David Lowry, husband of Bill Weld’s girl Friday Ginny Buckingham, remember her?
And Frank Gaziano. A Weld protege from the US Attorneys Office and trial court appointee.
Taken by themselves you really can’t complain without sounding racist or petty. But as a package? Holy moly.
What these appointments really show is Charlie Baker’s ignorance and dismissiveness of the law and justice system. He’s one of those MBA types that couldn’t care less about jurisprudence. One demential rich kid with no empathy for regular people and disdain for anything that prevents him from getting his way.
So step up to the plate Democrats and rather than knocking the Governor’s Council lobby them to come down hard on the governor’s philosophy and criteria for choosing justices for the Supreme Judicial Court. Right now they are all showing me nothing.
But as usual, worth reading.