Our friend Scott Brown, who may be the only person is one of the only people (Thanks to jimc for pointing out that Endicott Peabody also lost in both MA and NH, albeit 20 years apart in his case.) in history to lose races for the US Senate in two states, is calling on Elizabeth Warren to take a DNA test to prove her Native heritage. He’s even reprising his “As you can see, she’s not.” line. Truth is, Ancestry.com has run commercials featuring people who were surprised by their results, but it obviously has no bearing on qualifications or stances on issues. I find it hilarious that he seems to care about the “real” Native Americans that Warren supposedly pushed aside, never mind that Harvard has confirmed she never received any benefit from checking that infamous box. If I were Warren I’d be tempted to say sure, I’ll take a DNA test just as soon as you and your candidate take IQ tests!:)
Neo-birtherism and Sour Grapes
Please share widely!
Scott Brown should take an IQ test.
Scott did turn a life headed down a wrong path while still a teen and got himself an education. He has accomplished things in his life. OTOH, he is now acting like a female Sarah Palin, devaluing all that he accomplished by this behavior. He desperately wants to be part of the game and the Trump campaign is only too happy to have him play the part of attack dog. He’s a hanger on, no more.
Elizabeth it’s time to come back to Massachusetts. The home made a mistake by letting you out. It’s time for your meds and you need to take the DNA test.
come on buddy, it’s not that bad.
Well, now that I think about it, actually, it is.
…but Retired Veteran has been around for several years and is one of our nastier right-wingers. His above comment is pretty much par for the course.
have a feeling that Retired Veteran is actually a regular poster under another name.
for Trump’s veepstakes.
Warren vs. Brown for VP
what a complete and total loser. Record breaking loser in fact with his multi-state Senate losses. Warren who was actively recruited to teach by multiple Ivy league schools, the authority who the country looked to fix the banking crisis, such a threat to fix the broken system that Republicans fell all over themselves to stop any kind of nomination/confirmation, then turned that around and kicked Scotty’s ass to win the Senate. She’s not qualified. What a joke.
He is so sad.
the ONLY candidate to lose TWO Senate races in Massachusetts and New Hampshire back to back.
Hey Scottie, take the IQ test to convince us that LOSERS still have a brain.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
But, credit where it’s due, Chub Peabody lost in both states.
“Endicott Peabody, the number one man for the number two job”. Would’ve been better than Eagleton…
Scott Brown was on that conference call.
it’s time to cut out all the hyphenated american stuff.
There are no NATIVE Americans. There may be some whose ancestors came over the Bering strait earlier than others came by boat, but they’re not native. My own ancestors stayed for a while in northern europe but we all originated in Africa. It’s why occasionally I check off that box on the census, if Rachael Dolezal can do it so can I.
If society feels the need to change the structure of access to programs/education/jobs to balance results then it should be done on the basis of income/wealth only. If one group has less, then they’ll benefit based on income till they catch up to everyone else. Tiger Woods’ kids shouldn’t get “Black” scholarships (even though they’re more Scandinavian than Black).
She is by turns being racially slurred and accused of lying about her ancestry. Her detractors can’t seem to make up their mind on which one to go with. I’m sympathetic to the idea that we are ultimately all one, but I also think you know darn well what is meant in this context.