Thank you to the Senators from Connecticut for using the filibuster in the way it was designed to be used, and staging a filibuster over a simple gun control measure (denying guns to people on the no-fly list) that the Republican leadership will not allow a simple vote upon. Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal deserve to be remembered for this if, at some future point, they choose to run for reelection.
Please share widely!
But let’s see what happens next.
Thanks, all.
My understanding is that is used to keep something from passing, rather than to complain about something that has not been addressed. That said, I certainly applaud these efforts as well.
Senator Murphy took the floor and refused to yield for anything but questions, and actually stayed on topic, unlike the “Green Eggs and Ham” filibuster, and as such, they were able to hold up all business in the Senate until they got some assurance that a vote would be scheduled.
Most of the time, what is called a filibuster by the press is just the threat of a filibuster, which is enough for the leadership, to simply give in rather than let everything grind to a halt. This was not the threat of a filibuster, but an actual filibuster in the old fashion way. The Mr. Smith Goes To Washington is an excellent example of this way. The Stackhouse Filibuster in Season 2 of The West Wing is the best example that I know of that actually itemizes the rules of a filibuster. He could not sit down, could not lean on anything, he just had to talk and answer questions for hours.