I’m announcing a contest here and now, prize to be a couple rounds next time the winner and I are at the same watering hole. (If we ever hold a Sammitsch outside of the immediate Boston area, all the better. Progressives often forget that enormous demographic.)
The contest is to write two paragraphs from Trump’s acceptance speech as delivered at the conclusion of the Hyuuge Republican Convention – Best Ever. Using your best Trump voice, append your entry as a comment by 11:59 pm Saturday, July 9. Is he teleprompting? Does he mention his VP pick? Just how far off topic does he get?
Judging will be entirely subjective, with no clear basis or rubric, by yours truly. I am an English teacher, hence innately qualified, or something like that.
Once Battle Road Brewing Co’s pub opens in Maynard (supposedly next month), I’ll start hosting a monthly MetroWest Stammtisch, assuming there’s enough interest!
Good to meet you tonight.