I’m sure you’ve seen this by now… Justice Ginsburg has come out guns blazing on Donald Trump as president. In a recent interview, she opined “He is a faker…He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. … How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that.” This was after an earlier interview where she quoted that her passed husband would’ve have reacted to the idea of moving to New Zealand.
I like RBG like any liberal. Her stuff about the really good wine that caused her to nod off during a State of the Union, and her blistering dissents, all charm me. But I remember how annoyed I was when John Roberts was shaking his head when Obama called out the Supreme Court during a State of the Union address, and this is leagues beyond that. Look, we all know how Ginsburg is gonna vote in a case, and it’s pretty much as predictable as Clarence Thomas. No surprise she is thinking this, as when O’Connor was quoted at bemoaning the apparent Gore victory in 2000…but, speaking of which, if we had another 2000 Florida issue, Ginsburg would be in really tough shape. I love that she’s so strongly on the right side of history, but I don’t think this is the way to implement her beliefs — any jomolke can say nice liberal things, but she is in a much better position, one she is tarnishing with comments like these.
Ginsburg says the press is easy on Trump? Which press is she reading?
…but the television media pretty much created and sustained the candidacy of Donald Trump. They gave him lots of free air time, constantly breaking into coverage to take his rallies live, reporting on the latest obnoxious thing he had to say, but not then taking the time to explain how most of it is baloney. IMO, the fact that he is the GOP nominee is almost entirely the fault of the media.
…with a SCOTUS Justice offering political commentary, but another side of me sees Trump as being in a league of his own in terms of every citizen regardless of title having a moral obligation to speak out against him ever getting near the White House. RBG is probably at the stage where she figures she’s on her way out one way or the other anyway and has reached the age where she gets to say what she darn well pleases.
You should see the stuff Marshall said about the Jeffersonians taking over Washington. Didn’t stop him from ruling the right way in Marburg.
Dems getting the vapors over this are being foolish, and even somewhat child-like in their objections here over tradition. Do people not understand the Donald Trump could actually become President of the United States in a few months??? She’s doing what she can to try to stop that from happening, as should we all.
Compared to what she could be saying. I think she should be bolder. She has a life appointment, what’s she scared of?
If she’s going to do this, she should go all-in. Half measures like the ones she is taking are the worst possible option.
I miss the days when SCOTUS stayed out of politics and stuck to purely legal matters like abortion and choosing who won the presidential election.
I distrust the government. A long string of corrupt local, state and federal elected officials has for years reinforced that view. The framers of the Constitution had the foresight to separate powers and provided the judicial branch to act as a conscience and control for the other branches. While I’m not naive enough to think there are people who will totally put their feelings aside, the judges on the Supreme Court seemed to carry themselves as being above the political fray and worthy of my trust as a citizen that they would choose and decide cases based on their importance in guiding the direction of the country with the guidance of the Constitution. The veneer is stripped away. I guess we should let poll workers wear candidate pins.
Just wondering. When I hear folks say they do not trust “the government”, it’s usually from the right side of the aisle.
Me? I don’t trust certain people and groups within my government, only because I do not “trust” that they have my best interests at heart. By “my”, I mean the average American laborer citizen. I have an ever greater mistrust for large corporations (not all, just a majority) and fear that once we take power away from our government because of a lack of trust, the corporations will take complete control.
We don’t need less government, we need a better government. We don’t need fewer regulations, we need better regulations, and so forth.