The Founder of Birtherism didn’t ‘stretch the truth’ as recently reported in the New York Times . No. He LIED. He did not apologize to President Obama or to the American people for lying. He did not confess to the LIE. He did not get penance for the LIE. He did not seek redemption after the LIE. He is a shameless, pathological LIAR.
” In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” GEORGE ORWELL
We deserve better than this, America. So much better.
I agree with our friend, Garrison Keillor, who wrote recently that a woman’s place is in the White House. Amen, brother.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Please share widely!
jconway says
The media is doing a real disservice this year by sticking within the parameters of the horse race/both candidates suck narrative. I absolutely think they should continue to be critical of Clinton and Trump alike, but they never emphasize the order of magnitude for the criticism.
Clinton messed up with email storage and some appearances of influence peddling, while Trump has actually defrauded thousands of Americans, engaged in housing segregation, and has consistently cheated and lied his whole career.
The emails and Clinton Foundation stories are real, I disagree with folks here wishing downplaying them. But they affected no lives, while the thousands of lives Trump has destroyed and the racist company he keeps are far worse. The false equivalency has to stop.
johntmay says
I’ve seen a few of their ads. Yeah, Trump is a bad man, a very bad man. Vote Hillary. Republicans day that Trump is a bad man, a very bad man. Vote for Hillary. Children will see Trump as a bad man, a very bad man. Vote for Hillary.
How about running a positive message as to WHY we ought to vote for Hillary?
How about her plan to offer tax incentives to companies that offer profit sharing? And so on….
Christopher says
johntmay says
I only watch a few minutes of Morning Joe, CNN, and FO X each morning.
SomervilleTom says
Interesting that you admit to watching Fox News and Morning Joe. The source of much the astonishing misinformation in your commentary here is more clear, as well as your vitriol regarding Ms. Clinton.
You might try getting your information from actual NEWS sources, instead of right-wing anti-Clinton cesspools.
JimC says
It’s healthy to hear from multiple sources.
I’m amused by CNN’s election counter (51 days to go). I think they’re exhausted.
kbusch says
jtm’s news sources are not so very “multiple”.
And yeah, I think liberals don’t read enough of the conservative press.
johntmay says
..only listed a few on that one particular post. Do you want all my news sources? I can email them to you or you can subscribe to my newsletter as the sources do tend to change.
JimC says
Oh, never mind.
centralmassdad says
Reading I can handle, but I cant stand even to watch liberal talking-head shows, never mind the Mornuing Joe kind. Yeesh.
I therefore have not the foggiest idea what political ads are running at present. Thanks, Netflix!
Christopher says
If they have a special program coming up they will sometimes start the on-screen clock two days prior.
johntmay says
I watch them all. Keeping ones head in the sand too long, and one winds up like……well,
Christopher says
At long last, Mr. Trump, have you left no sense of decency?
Christopher says
I’ve heard this from the media too, and while he was definitely a chief advocate for this nonsense, Orly Taitz was peddling it long before he was.
fredrichlariccia says
Trump launched his political career based on the birther LIE and has been peddling the LIE for 5 years.
No one remembers the crazy Fascist you referenced.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
JimC says
From a Trump supporter of my acquaintance:
“I don’t know why they [the media] are making such a big deal out of this.” Some amazing cognitive dissonance.
Mark L. Bail says
also an American.
fredrichlariccia says
and he and his minions should be ashamed to call themselves Americans because every time they open their ignorant, bigoted pie holes they betray the democratic principles our patriotic ancestors fought and died for.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Christopher says
…that there is no racial element to this, Bernie Sanders pointed out that just like Obama, his father was foreign-born (Poland), yet nobody ever speculates that Sanders himself was not born here.
johntmay says
The birth certificate question was always “cover” for racists.