“Anybody can be ‘great’ if I do your work for you for 250 years and you don’t pay me a dime!”
– The Rev. Calvin O. Butts, just now, at the dedication of the Museum of African American History and Culture
Never Forget. We have forgotten. Reparations remain owed and unpaid.
Does that sound familiar in this election?
Please share widely!
…what the reference to this election is about since I haven’t heard reparations being discussed.
… to those wishing to make America ‘great’, Again.
I get that the DUMB candidate seems to have missed the memo that such a peculiar institution existed, but I’m pretty sure even he isn’t advocating that.
The Pyramids are “great” and we name them after the “great” men who did what? Did they build them? Nope. They simply enslaved others to build them. Did Trump build any of his buildings? Did he hammer one nail into one two by four? Nope. So why is his name on the building? No, he did not use slaves, but did he insure that the laborers he employed were well off, safe, and secure? Hell no. He went with the lowest bid, no doubt. President Carter hammers lots of nails, hauls roofing shingles, applies plaster to drywall, but I doubt that any of the things he built have his name on them.
I know, I’m rambling a bit here, trying to find focus.
I’ll have to quote Marco Pierre White. Success is born out of arrogance, but greatness comes from humility.
We need a humble leader to lead us to greatness.
Somehow I don’t see a Johnson casino or a Johnson foundation in our future.
…is simply a reference to its size. Trump has an ego the size of his buildings, but he did put up the money.