This morning as I read a post by the venerable state Senator Patricia Jehlen, I was reminded of another brilliant woman from Texas, Molly Ivins. It has been nearly ten years since her passing and boy ‘o boy do I miss that gal!
Imagine with me for a few moments what raucous remarks she would have had for The Donald! She once said about “Dub ya,”
“Next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be president of the United States, please pay attention.” -Molly Ivins
And, damn if we are not still paying for that mistake!
Onto this year’s political fiasco/mess POTUS campaign; Donald and Hillary as the major party candidates for POTUS. Yes, it has been worse than I imagined and I did not see a bright campaign season when the nominees began to be whittled to this pair.
WWMS – What Would Molly Say? I imagine that she would paint him for the pimp that he is and make it really satirically clear that he is really bad for America and the survival of the species. His narcissism, sexism, racism and appeal to the disgruntled deplorables are easy-peasy pick in’s for a wit like hers. Hillary would likely not be off limit either, as the flaws in her candidacy are soap operatic as well.
“I believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows the truth.” -Molly Ivins
What’s your Molly Ivinesque quip to describe the 2016 POTUS campaign?