Is his plan to force the Bureau of Prisons to petition for more releases? Enforce the Sal standard and demand the bureau release all those harmless souls who meet the standard.
Or is Wolfe trying to find a loophole to keep Sal in prison for the full eight years and give a wink wink nod nod to the prison masochists to keep on keepin’ on?
I don’t think a person can be denied rights and privileges on the grounds that although the burden is met the petition must be denied because people the judge does not like advocated on behalf defendant: politically connected or not. I also don’t believe the some rights and privileges cannot be denied because the moving party (Bureau of Prisons) doesn’t make the request too often. I’ve yet to see either as legal standard.
Let’s be clear on one thing. The only reason Carmen Ortiz filed the petition is because she doesn’t want to be blamed if Sal dies while in the can. That’s icing on the cake she doesn’t need. Wolfe doesn’t give a shit one way or another. Only difference between the two. Both believe Beacon Hill pols as scum of the earth and feel zero empathy for them.
Basically Wolfe’s a dick. IMHO.
Can you say President Kaine?
What’s the over-under on how many months Hillary will last in office? She won’t care. She still got to be president.
He may run in 2024, but Clinton will last a full term at least.
He’s due to start a pretty good job around January 20 that will keep him busy for at least 4 years.
And the elevation of Tim Kaine to the presidency. That’s the bet. I’d say close to zero. They’ve survived an impeachment proceeding before and she’s not the quitting type. I could see the GOP making her life miserable and putting their partisanship before the good of the country, that’s just a continuation of the last six years really.
And since everyone is expecting that, it makes it far more likely actual crimes and misdemeanors they may uncover won’t be taken seriously. They’ve been chicken littles for so long on everything the Clintons touch it makes it easier for legitimate criticism and scrutiny to be discredited by their allies.
Or repeating Donald Trump’s “health” canard. It’s just more EB3 rubbish.
I have no idea what he is talking about; it is totally incoherent. Perhaps he was loaded.
It’s pretty much been since the Republican Revolution of 1994. They are poor sports, plain and simple. Let’s not even plant the seeds of the idea that they may uncover any actual crimes and misdemeanors. When the facts are laid bare HRC consistently comes out very clean and ethical, as did her husband for that matter.
is endemic these days, isn’t it? The House is still weighing impeaching the IRS commissioner for goodness sakes. Next up: Mail carriers.
So let’s stipulate the impeachment. So what? As political coin goes, it’s a pretty debased currency these days.