A friend of mine who tends to vote Republican and sometimes for the Democrat posted this on social media. I think it is brilliant and speaks directly to the heart of the matter and where the fault lies.
He wrote:
“I just watched a commercial where Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker was advocating for charter schools. “What if your child was going to a failing school” he asked. The real question Mr. Governor is why are the schools in YOUR STATE failing?”
Please share widely!
good point
Most of our public schools are doing a kick ass job of teaching our kids. It’s just that since they have to take everyone, they take the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses too distracted by home to learn in school. And that’s great-it’s why universal education is a cornerstone of American democracy.
But, those places with more of the huddled masses (and in some cases they are really huddled-40 kids is the average class size in Chelsea), desperately need more public investment in their public schools. Let’s fix the formula and make sure everyone can choose between good public and good charter schools in their district. So that one school isn’t leeching off funds or students from another, and so that bad charter schools can be subject to actual democratic oversight.
My two kids went to public schools and public universities in Massachusetts. Today, both are doing very well, thank you, and working alongside others who went to ivy league schools. ALL children in the commonwealth ought to have the same level of school funding in K-12 as they do in college.
Win or Lose Beyond Question 2
Saturday, November 5
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building, 2300 Washington Street, Boston
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/win-or-lose-beyond-question-2-tickets-28373847943
After Ballot Question #2, no matter who loses, OUR CHILDREN MUST BE WINNERS.
You are invited to join CPLAN (The Collaborative Parent Leadership Action Network and RDM (the Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan Parent Coalition) to move beyond the political Question 2 debate and gather with other like-minded parents who want to inform and influence what happens beyond the elections.
As parents, let us not stand by and wait for the results. Let us come together and discuss how we will move forward and begin the journey towards quality education for all our children. Join us as we work together to prepare for the decision… No matter what the outcome, our KIDS must WIN.
Please join the dialogue and help lead this conversation forward. Childcare and refreshments provided. PLEASE RSVP- space is limited.
For questions please contact:
CPLAN – Julia Mejia at 617-658-3331 or via email jmcasting1@gmail.com
RDM- Natasha Maughan at 857-237-8289 or via email at nmaughan59@gmail.com
I guess this is what Wall Street money gets you — the money for a non-stop campaign, regardless of what voters actually want. Combined with ex-Rep. Walz’s promise to open as many charter schools as possible regardless of the results of Question 2, this meeting of a front group for the charter lobby tells us that no one in the banks is willing to listen to the voters when there’s money to be had.
Stop letting the banks WIN. Start working for our schools — check out Citizens for Public Schools if you want to help all kids.