I am a member of my town’s Democratic Committee. We get a lot of visitors who ask to speak to us and get our support for their campaign. We sit though their speech. I hear the same stuff over and over and over again.
I come from a middle class family. My daddy worked in the mill, mom baked apple pies in our modest home and they helped me achieve the American dream, sending me to college, and now I want to help others (insert long list of identified demographic sub-divisions) who were not as fortunate as I was. ………blah, blah, blah……..blah, blah, blah….education….blah, blah, blah…..our children……blah blah blah ……..my grandparents would be proud….blah, blah, blah….. (Fade Out, audience claps)…I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have!
For years, I’ve been asking this question:
“As Blue and as Democratic as The Commonwealth claims to be, it can’t be forgotten that we have a lot of independent voters and Republican can win a major election here with something as simple as a pickup truck and a barn jacket. What do you have to compete with a pickup truck and a barn jacket?”
I’m going to have to edit that to include, And as popular as we are nationwide, a Republican can win a major election with something as simple as a red ball cap and a simple ambiguous message that appeals to working class people. What do you have to compete with a red ball cap and a simple ambiguous message that appeals to working class people?”
If Massachusetts is so Blue and if what we’re doing is the way we ought to keep going, please explain Scott Brown, Charlie Baker and the others. If we’re so dam popular nationwide, please explain the house, senate, state governors, and the White House.
…proudly campaigning without gimmicks and shiny objects!
the senate, state governor races, the White House…..proudly campaigning to a few select victim groups and maintaining the economic status quo as “inevitable”….
you are talking about MA. Down rate.
continues to call those with whom it disagrees racists, homophobes, misogynists, xenophobes, and fascists, then the so-called Democratic party will lose. Stop talking to yourselves and get out in the real world.
… that ‘the left’ applies these labels. Yup. A real nice theory… right up to the moment it became proven fact.
“proven fact”?
But “loopy left” was unnecessary.