Donald Trump ran a campaign that started with racial attacks and then rode the escalator down. Millions of Americans – African-Americans, Latinos, Muslims, LGBT Americans, women – have every right to be deeply worried. But there are many millions of people who did not vote for Donald Trump because of the bigotry and hate that fueled his campaign rallies. They voted for him despite the hate. They voted for him out of frustration and anger—and also out of hope that he would bring change to an economy and a government that doesn’t work for them.
If Donald Trump wants to increase the economy security of working families, then count me in. But rebuilding an economy does not mean handing the keys to our economy over to Wall Street so they can run it for themselves. It does not mean crippling our economy and ripping families apart by deporting millions of people. It does not mean throwing 20 million Americans off of their health insurance plans. It does not mean forcing through massive tax breaks that blow a hole in our deficit and tilt the playing field even further toward the wealthy and big corporations. And it does not mean bigotry and hate. Whether Donald Trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the White House, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever.
Today at the AFL-CIO I spoke about President Elect Donald Trump and the Democratic agenda moving forward. Please take a look.
My Republican friends are sharing this with enthusiasm. So are my independent and libertarian friends. It’s time to make our party about taking on Wall Street, fighting for the middle class, as well as rejecting bigotry. Let’s Make America Fair Again-for Everyone.
I like it. Why can’t this be our mantra moving forward stronger together ?
Fred Rich LaRiccia
… There’s no justification for that. That is WORSE than voting for the hate.
This is saying their problems and their anger and their fear are more important than to hold back hatred and their problems and their anger and their fear are more important than the safety of those targeted by the hatred. That kind of vote is a hugeuous ‘fuck you’ and it is not valid.
I refuse to accept it and I refuse to ‘follow’ Elizabeth Warren in this and I am ashamed for her that she would employ such sophistry.