Trump said last night he’s going to deport 3 million human beings who get up and work every day to clean our buildings and pick our food. God help us:
“….according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement statistics, only 177,960 undocumented immigrants who were deported had criminal records, a far cry from the 2-3 million number that Trump is claiming.”
And he plans to “incarcerate” them.
Please share widely!
…advocate a significant wage hike to attract Americans to these jobs, right? Also, let’s be careful with “concentrate” in this context. He hasn’t proposed sending them to Auschwitz.
Various sources like this report that he has promised to send pretty much whomever who pleases to GITMO.
That’s close enough to Auschwitz for me.
…and last I checked even GITMO doesn’t have gas chambers.
So torture is ok, but execution is definitely not. You do understand that GITMO was designed to facilitate torture, right?
I really can’t believe I’m having this exchange.
… that torture is OK.
In my view, GITMO is synonymous with torture in the same way that Auschwitz is synonymous with execution.
I didn’t say that GITMO was Auschwitz, I said instead “[GITMO is] close enough to Auschwitz for me.”
Mr. Trump HAS talked of sending various victims to GITMO, on multiple occasions. Why do you think he named it, if not to threaten or promise torture?
Waterboarding at GITMO
Torture victim at GITMO
Prisoner transport to GITMO
Torture at GITMO
Scars from torture
…I very strongly favor closing GITMO for many of the reasons you cite, and as jimc pointed out I NEVER said torture was OK and believe I have strongly said the opposite multiple times over the years. It’s just that even considering other genocides and applications of torture throughout human history, the Holocaust is, and God willing always will be, in a class by itself.
He said it here. He said it again here.
I understand that in these clips he’s talking about alleged “ISIS sympathizers”. I don’t think that distinction is worth a hill of beans.
..are on the improvement of E-Verify and the penalization of businesses large and small that hire illegal workers. The underground economy is huge, and it’s time to drag it into daylight for some disinfecting. It is the primary cause of wage depression and worker abuse.
We absolutely should penalize businesses large and small that hire illegal workers. Why do you think we haven’t done that already? Which political party routinely attempts to advance such enforcement, and which party routinely blocks it?
The lie is the attempted nexus between the underground economy and illegal immigration. Most of the immigrants here are legal. Most of the participants in the underground economy are here legally.
I’m happy to welcome you to the ranks of those of us who have spent lifetimes fighting employers who exploit and abuse their workers. You will have to leave behind most of the GOP if you want to actually join our fight.
…granting immunity to undocumented workers who rat out their employers for unfair labor practices. We have to remove the leverage employers have over such persons.