Caller to Boston radio program today about Trump shredding our constitutional system: “You cannot ‘wait and see’ like Jon King suggests. Sometimes once the damage has been done, it’s difficult or even impossible to repair.”
She’s right. We need to accept that Trump meant what he said about the press and the First Amendment; about registering Muslims; about torture; about mass deportations, and much else.
Don’t let his manipulation talk us down from resolve to limit his power: it’s just too likely that his walking away from extreme positions is a feint of hand to manage the opposition to him and the level of energy in it. He is not stupid. Ignorant, yes. Stupid, no. If we do not learn that soon we are going to be in trouble.
…with special guest Bernie Sanders and a panel of Trump voters. I got the sense the audience was mostly Clinton voters. Most of the Trump voters not only didn’t believe he would follow through with his most outrageous proposals, but also didn’t WANT him to. Many of them also seemed to be the type of voter jconway and johntmay have alluded to who may have been more open to Sanders as our nominee. There were some push back questions I would love to have asked, but for me it did provide some interesting enlightenment into what the heck these people were thinking.
If you watch their answers closely, of the four people, one said that she wanted Trump to go through with those things; the two men never explicitly answered the question as to whether they wanted it – they just said “that will never pass through congress”, and the last woman acted like she was taken aback by these horrific ideas, but honestly, I just didn’t believe her – I think it she was simply not going to admit it in front of the nation.
Do you have suggestions of what people should do? Write Senators Markey and Warren over and over? Call a Trump Tower? Tweet? I don’t know how to respond to ideas and campaign promises.
Ask them to make calls to resist the cabinet appointments of, well, practically all of them: Definitely Pruitt, Tillerson, Bolton, Perry and Price. I guess Sessions is a foregone conclusion, but he’ll be a wrecking ball on the right to vote. Him too.
Resist Medicare privatization, Affordable Care Act repeal.
None of these people are popular. These ideas aren’t popular. Trump isn’t popular. They should all be running scared.
And actually perhaps the most dangerous guy of all is Michael Flynn, who sadly doesn’t need to be confirmed by the Senate. But the Senate can make some noise about him.