Progressive Massachusetts proudly announces our 2017-2018 Legislative Agenda for the 190th session of the Mass General Court.
The Moral Urgency of Now: Massachusetts Must Lead.
We are watching the federal government under President Donald Trump, with little braking from the Republican Congress, move us rapidly in a fascist direction that deeply contradicts Massachusetts values and liberties. Resistance is imperative.
What are the ways we can resist? Where can we effect the most dramatic changes, shape a progressive alternative and protect the most people vulnerable under this regime? Our efforts on the national scene are important–but our impact, as liberals served by Democrats in a majority Republican Congress–is unfortunately, realistically, quite limited.
On the other hand, we can make Massachusetts a blue, progressive fortress against Trumpism. There is no real excuse for not passing the a vigorous progressive agenda in one of the bluest states in the country.
We are no longer in normal times. We cannot abide our super-majority Democratic lawmakers playing by the old rules, old hesitancies and cautions. This is a moral imperative: through our democratic system, we can must resist, chart an alternative, progressive, path forward and firmly and proudly establish and protect a system of true justice–in all its dimensions–for all.
Our recent member survey of their (your) issues of top concern serves as the prioritization rubric for the Progressive Mass Issues Committee (PMIC). The committee reached out to legislators, advocates, and allies, to learn about their priorities and the bills to be filed that address them, to explore what bold proposals would galvanize Beacon Hill, and assess the issue movements with advocacy momentum.
Setting Progressive Goals and a Road-Map for Action
Through this intensive process of research, outreach, deliberation and member input, PMIC has crafted our multi-issue 2017-2018 Progressive Legislative Agenda. Following the four broad planks of our Progressive Platform, the Progressive Legislative Agenda represents a multi-issue road map for the next two years of advocacy for the progressive activist.
As many in the BMG community already know, there are specific points of inflection in the life cycle of legislation, when grassroots action and advocacy is more important and has greater impact. Simply stated, timing matters. We aim to reach out to our progressive network and membership at time-sensitive moments and ask for your action. The first action of many over the next two years: pushing legislators for Co-Sponsorship. And it needs to be done by Friday.
Before Friday (the House’s deadline), please contact your State Representative and State Senator, and ask them to cosponsor the bills on our progressive agenda (both House and Senate versions, House and Senate members can cross-cosponsor). All the information, including plain text to copy/paste, if you should require that, is at our action kit:
Note–while the deadline to cosponsor House bills is Friday, February 3rd at 5:00 pm, State Representatives and State Senator can cosponsor Senate bills at any point in the two-year session.
As a statewide, multi-issue, grassroots organizations committed to pushing our state Legislature and Governor to be more progressive, and hold them accountable when they’re not, Progressive Mass believes that the first step towards building a progressive agenda on Beacon Hill begins with outreach and conversations with your state legislators, and asking them to cosponsor and support critical legislation.
And when you do reach out to your legislators, Progressive Mass wants to hear what the responses are. Send the information you learn to issues @
I can see the portion that is front-paged, including the graphic at the top, but when I click “There’s More”. I get an image of a yellow disc that says “premium” and a message that says, “This is premium content. Only premium members can access this.” with fine print saying, “please login or register”. Since I’m typing this comment I’m obviously logged in, but even if I weren’t I should still be able to see all content, right? I know some opt to subscribe to hide ads, but I really hope BMG is not starting to limit certain content to paid subscribers. Please advise or fix.
This comment can only by viewed by Premium Members.
..okay, old Internet joke. I’m getting the same issue.
It should not be there – probably a rogue Google ad. Try reloading or maybe clearing your cache, or just wait a bit. These things usually go away on their own.
Content is still Premium.
I( still see the premium thing, too, in Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer, and on two machines.
last night. I don’t know if the editors saw it. I don’t know if anyone saw it. I can’t see it, except on my dashboard.
I think the published posts are invisible to everyone, until you comment on your own post. Then it shows up in recent comments, and people can read, recommend, or (those who can) promote.
If your comment gets swept off the page by a surge of sniping, then just comment on the post again.
This is like the 99 cent pay wall for the Glob. I can’t read anything but the headlines on that either.
…that you email them at to alert them that you posted a new diary so they can promote it.
The single largest obstacle to progressive legislation in Massachusetts is Speaker Bob DeLeo. I see absolutely nothing in this agenda that even obliquely makes any reference to this reality.
I’m sorry, but I find all those lovely words about resistance and our “moral imperative” completely empty when the elephant isn’t even named.
Until we do something about Bob DeLeo, we are wasting our time.
As in not the donkey? A man who will not raise taxes on the rich and pushed for casinos that prey on the working class… that a Democrat? Or is it an elephant?
My understanding from talking to reps and such is that DeLeo is much, much better than the alternatives. The state legislature is not a liberal body. It’s easy to blame DeLeo for that.
We tend to forget that our reps and senators represent their districts as well as our party. What we see as recalcitrance is often them representing the will of their districts.
I don’t mean to stop pushing, but we should know what we’re pushing against and why there’s so much friction.
” The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.” 🙂
Fred Rich LaRiccia
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The blog is over at Progressive Mass… We are all seeing the same thing as John and others, above.
Progressive Massachusetts proudly announces our 2017-2018 Legislative Agenda for the 190th session of the Mass General Court.
The Moral Urgency of Now: Massachusetts Must Lead.
We are watching the federal government under President Donald Trump, with little braking from the Republican Congress, move us rapidly in a fascist direction that deeply contradicts Massachusetts values and liberties. Resistance is imperative.
What are the ways we can resist? Where can we effect the most dramatic changes, shape a progressive alternative and protect the most people vulnerable under this regime?
Our efforts on the national scene are important–but our impact, as liberals served by Democrats in a majority Republican Congress, is unfortunately, realistically, quite limited.
But, we can make Massachusetts a blue, progressive fortress against Trumpism. There is no excuse for not passing a vigorous progressive agenda in one of the bluest states in the country.
We are no longer in normal times. We cannot abide our super-majority Democratic lawmakers playing by the old rules, the old hesitancies and cautions. This is a moral imperative: through our democratic system, we can must resist, chart an alternative, progressive, path forward, and firmly and proudly establish and protect a system of true justice–in all its dimensions–for all.
Our recent survey of our members’ (your) issues of top concern served as a guide for the Progressive Mass Issues Committee (PMIC). Over several weeks, committee reached out to legislators, advocates, and allies, to learn about their priorities and the bills to be filed that address them, to explore what bold proposals would galvanize Beacon Hill, and to assess the issue movements with advocacy momentum and energy behind them.
Setting Progressive Goals and a Road Map for Action
Through this intensive process of research, outreach, deliberation, and member input, PMIC has crafted our multi-issue 2017-2018 Progressive Legislative Agenda. Following the four broad planks of our Progressive Platform, the Progressive Legislative Agenda represents a multi-issue road map for the next two years of advocacy for the progressive activist.
As many in the BMG community already know, there are specific points of inflection in the life cycle of legislation, when grassroots action and advocacy is more important and has greater impact. Simply stated, timing matters.
We aim to reach out to our progressive network and membership at time-sensitive moments and ask for your action. The first action of many over the next two years: pushing legislators for Co-Sponsorship. And it needs to be done by Friday.
Before Friday (the House’s deadline), please contact your State Representative and State Senator, and ask them to cosponsor the bills on our progressive agenda (both House and Senate versions, House and Senate members can cross-cosponsor). All the information, including plain text to copy/paste, if you should require that, is at our action kit:
Note–while the deadline to cosponsor House bills is Friday, February 3rd at 5:00 pm, State Representatives and State Senator can cosponsor Senate bills at any point in the two-year session.
As a statewide, multi-issue, grassroots organizations committed to pushing our state Legislature and Governor to be more progressive, and hold them accountable when they’re not, Progressive Mass believes that the first step towards building a progressive agenda on Beacon Hill begins with outreach and conversations with your state legislators, and asking them to cosponsor and support critical legislation. And when you do reach out to your legislators, we want to hear what you learn. Drop us a line: issues @