After yesterday’s march, we need to be strategic as we take action to reverse the outcome of the 2016 election.
Much of the damage in 2016 are a direct result of redistricting, voter suppression laws, and other damage done at the state level. After Obama was elected in 2008, the GOP came on strong to win governorships and state legislatures in 2010. This was extremely strategic, because governors and legislatures in place after the 2010 election were in control of the redistricting process that gives us the current House of Representatives.
We need to win big in 2018 and 2020. All politics is local, and the momentum that comes out of yesterday’s march needs to be channeled into winning elections. The 2017 elections are already on the horizon, and it’s time to begin.
2017 elections:
New Jersey
Governor (open seat, incumbent is term limited)
State Senate – 24 Democrats, 16 Republicans
General Assembly – 48 Democrats, 32 Republicans
Governor (open seat, incumbent is term limited)
State Senate – 19 Republicans, 21 Democrats
House of Delegates – 34 Democrats, 66 Republicans
We also have some work to do in 2018, even right here in Massachusetts. We need to re-elect Elizabeth Warren, and we also need to replace Charlie Baker with a strong progressive who can stand up to the Trump administration.
If you think Charlie Baker isn’t so bad, just think about Baker’s efforts for wholesale charter school expansion and last year’s Question 2. Charlie Baker and Betsy DeVos are virtually identical on education policy, and Baker’s education secretary (James Peyser) is a very aggressive proponent of privatizing our public schools.
This is also why we need strong, progressive candidates to oppose the Republicans. If we nominate a candidate without a strong, resonating message, we lose. If we nominate a candidate that is tied to DFER, we forfeit a vital argument we need to have to build support for Democrats.
Let’s build a message. Let’s build a movement. Let’s build a party. Let’s build some momentum that will bring us big wins in 2018 and 2020.
and don’t let up until we win back the Corner Office next November.
Let the campaign begin now. We need every viable progressive Democrat to step up to the plate and campaign in an open, competitive primary to be our party’s nominee. And remember ! Our nominee will be running along side our Champion Lioness of the Senate — Elizabeth Warren. Now that’s a winning ticket !
Fred Rich LaRiccia
I’ve been on the lookout, they seem like a perfect pair but haven’t read anything. Interested if there were any meetings (scheming) going on while Baker was in DC.
Did Baker post his schedule?
I know the Massachusetts Republicans are pushing a letter in support of DeVos. Rep. Orrall has signed it, don’t know who else.
…suggests that Sen. Warren might be a bit more vulnerable than we hoped or assumed and Gov. Baker is still very popular (moreso than Warren).
We also have lots of energy on the streets.
That’s encouraging!
They did the poll. Thought I’d heard they have a Republican bent. Regardless, I took the numbers to mean that Warren has been essentially nationalized — Republican don’t like her no matter what, because she speaks out — while Baker’s cowardice strategy is paying off by convincing Mass. voters he is a nice guy without an agenda.
They serve four-year terms elected halfway through a gubernatorial term. For that matter the House of Delegates is elected every odd year so those responsible for drawing districts will be elected in 2019 as well, even though they are also up in 2017.
The Governor is up in Nov 2017 (and not 2019). Which means there are no federal or gubernatorial candidates on the Virginia State Senate ballot. Turnout is even lower there than you’d see in most states, and as we well know, Democrats are the first to no-show when there isn’t a POTUS on the ballot, to say nothing of a governor.
Until the turnout drop for Democrats on non-POTUS years shrinks to the size of the GOP drop (or less), the reality is that the Democrats don’t stand a chance at the VA Senate, and probably not the VA House either. Sure, we might pick up a few seats, but we’re not going to get the majority anytime soon unless Democratic dropoff is changed significantly.
…that first, we need to change the reality of your points regarding Dem turnout, and second we have our work cut out for us. My point was to make sure everyone was clear about when people who will play a role in the next round of federal redistricting get elected. Dems were asleep at the switch in 2010 and have paid dearly for it. The GOP knew what they were doing and it has paid off for them. I’m at a loss as to how to convince people to show up for EVERY election, and am probably the wrong person to ask since the only reason I need to show up is the calendar tells me today is election day.
Warren and Markey are apparently too busy talking big to do their jobs.