Not a single person has been killed on American soil by terrorists from the seven nations included in Trump’s immigration order. But the order is popular with many Americans — roughly half. It is popular because those Americans are afraid, having been encouraged in this by Trump himself.
FDR told us that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. It is unfortunate this this statement has become trite through repetition. It is an important truth, because fear is incompatible with freedom. Rational prudence in the face of danger, yes, but not irrational fear.
If we are to succeed in our fight to preserve civil liberties in our country, our first goal must be to fight fear — with facts. We cannot be free without being brave — especially in the face of cynically concocted imaginary “dangers”!
johntmay says
that the attackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. But Trump likes them as they buy apartments from him, according to earlier statements.