Pass the word. Sunday nights. NBC, 9:00 eastern, 8:00 Central. The Apprentice. Catch it and be there.
Turn on every TV in your house. Go over to your grandma’s and turn hers on.
This is the lazy man’s protest.
Also DVR it. I think they count those somehow.
Let’s put Arnold’s rating through the roof. Let there be e-mails and letters by the hundreds of thousands praising Arnold for saving that ridiculous show hosted by that clown Trump.
OK. there’s a downside. Trump will make money off of high ratings. But so will Arnold, the immigrant.
Then we make sure Trump is constantly reminded that Arnold’s kicking his ass big time in ratings comparisons. He will go ballistic. All he will care about is people thinking Arnold is doing Trump’s old job much better than he could.
Who’s with me?
P.S. We don’t start until a week from this Sunday. Only a fool would watch The Apprentice and nor the Pats in the SuperBowl.
BUT that doesn’t mean every TV in the house will be tuned to football. Go room to room and turn on the TV’s that never get used and nobody’s watching to NBC.
regularjoe says
I can’t think of anything more effective than this. All the marches, blogs, hand wringing and lamentations aside, this could really work.
Jasiu says
As far as I know (and someone correct me if I’m wrong), the official Nielsen ratings are only collected from Nielsen households. While your own provider might be track of what you watch / DVR, I’m pretty sure that’s their own data and doesn’t go into the Nielsen numbers – unless that’s changed recently.
Certainly, tuning an OTA TV to a show doesn’t get counted.
pogo says
correct. Wishful thinking…
pogo says
…is know by the cable provider and they may sell that aggregate data to ad agencies who will factor that into the Nielsen data they buy.
gmoke says
Don the Con is still a producer on the show. Boosting Ahnold’s ratings puts more money in Donnie’s pockets. If you want to play whack-a-mole with the latest outrage, go right ahead and watch “The Apprentice” (TV version rather than the real-life one we are all going through with Trmp) but don’t think it’s gonna make any difference to the narcissist in the White House. You’re playing right into his tiny little hands.
pogo says
…and we can now embed videos…or are the editors bending over backwards, as the often do, for eb3?
johntmay says
A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines.
And I Tweeted them all…