My God they make it so obvious. A headline in today’s Globe tells me there are all kinds of greed and shady dealings happening at the Yawkey Foundation: The charitable trust set up by former Red Sox owners Tom and Jean Yawkey, Its biggest asset was the Red Sox and then the proceeds from the sale of the Sox, about $350 million.
When the team went up for sale we all know what happened. John Henry and, as Bud Selig’s demanded, Larry Lucchino came to town telling everyone how big their u-know-what is and everyone bow and kiss their ring. Then the bastards won 3 World Series. Damn! Can’t take that away from them.
Tom Werner was there too.
Anyway that doesn’t make them good people. And they are not good people. You know that, right? John Henry and Larry Lucchino are not good people.
Remember when Lucchino use to talk about his legacy? Baahaa. Legacy of a dick maybe. Agreed?
So Larry is no longer at the Red Sox dictating backstabbing stories with unnamed sources to the Globe. All the people he made sure he shit on when they were leaving the Sox? Remember that? Great times.
How about what he’d did to Terry Francona? Bob Hohler, the Globe’s official Lucchino butt boy, wrote a story with unnamed sources suggesting Francona was A. a druggie B. had emotional/psychological l problems and C. a bad husband. (or something like that – didn’t make him look good to the pro-family crowd.)
The Larry Lucchino of the Red Sox would spend his his day going ballistic on some poor soul of lesser stock or kissing up to someone higher in his self-serving caste system. Brings me back. Good times.
Now it’s Larry Lucchino of the Jimmy Fund, the adopted charity of the Yawkeys and Red Sox which channels all its money to the Dana Farbrr Cancer Institute.
Hey Larry, I have a message for you. Once you are out you are out! Got that? Instead of people getting hard ons when they see Larry Lucchino from the Red Sox is calling,
“Oh Boy, Larry’s a big deal and oh boy wouldn’t it be great if I could do something for him and oh boy I might be able to get tickets, maybe get on the field. What if I could meet Big Papi”
They now say,
“Oh shit, It’s Larry. He’s looking for money for the Jimmy Fund. I have no ties to him other than the Red Sox when we partnered with them on the Save the Wombat campaign. Other than that he’s a dick, a celebrity wannabe with a highly inflated opinion of himself. I don’t know anyone who goes out of their way to say he’s a great guy. And oh yeah, he’s a dick. There’s a lot of charities out there and I have only so much to spread around. Sorry Larry, not this year.”
Larry’s having trouble raising dough because everyone know’s he a dick and they can give money directly to Dana Farber. No middle man needed.
Meanwhile one of his he arch nemeses, anyone or anything associated with the prior regime, is The Yawkey Foundation, is giving out money left and right. The CEO is paid mid three hundred thousand range and the board members get about $2,500 a month. And some of the non-non profits that some board members are affiliated with have gotten a few bucks from the Yawkee of foundation. Ten gran here or there. A pastor from Roxbury sits on the board and a program he runs gets some Yawkey money and he has a salary from the program of $25,000 a year.
Oh my God.
Anyhoo the Globe’s Bob Hohler, remember him, writes a front page story today in John Henry’s paper kicking the shit out of the Yawkey foundation for inside dealing andall sorts of nefarious stuff. Even reminds us how then Attorney General Tom “the glom” Reilly stuck his nose in the sale of the Red Sox for headline sake and ranted about charities blah blah.
But anyway it’s a charitable trust set-up with a specific purpose. The Globe is trying to make waves because of something that is nothing.
Hey Globe? What does Paul Grogan at the Boston Foundation make? What about Bob Kraft’s association with the Boys and Girls Club? His son is an executive there and he gives them oodles of money. Quid pro quo perhaps?
Of course the Globe didn’t put any of this in perspective. The foundation still follows the law and met the requirements for some waiver from the A.G.
Message to Larry Lucchino – It’s over Larry. The friends you cultivated here are moving on and dying. No reason for anyone to help you. Good to see you have something going with the PawSox. Your rol-a-dex is not as big as you thought it was Larry, right?
At least you get to go to the Baseball Winter Meetings; minor league meetings only. Conference room G-12 on Lower Level 2 next to the freight elevator.
OK, I admit it. I am not fond of John Henry and Larry Lucchino
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
God I hate those guys.
JimC says
I’d expect his salary to be pretty good.
I’ve always felt like Lucchino got a bad rap, but what he did to Francona (and he is the chief suspect) was pretty bad.
Of course, Sox regimes have been trashing people on their way out the door for as long as I can remember. The Patriots do it too, though more passive-aggressively (they say nothing).