The following is a thread discussing current Dem strategy on the Gorsuch nomination.
BMGr’s: what do you think?
MY POST: Even if Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch were Oliver Wendell Holmes, due to the unconstitutional theft of Obama’s nomination to the Court, any Democrat who votes for Gorsuch should be primaried.
ME: “…a Democrat in Mass will run on a different platform than on in WV or MS. and need to vote differently on some issues to be elected.”
Yes, I agree.
“As long as they commit to voting for the Democratic Leadership in 2018 I will give them a pass”
No, I do not agree.
This is not just another policy issue. Were Ted Kennedy alive today, I believe in 2016 he would’ve put getting Obama’s Merrick Garland on the agenda as his number one – not number two not number three not number four… Number 1 priority. Therefore, I don’t think we would be here.
Nonetheless, here we are.
Next question: Were Ted Kennedy alive today, I believe that he would not participate in the completion of this theft – and that is what it is – it is a theft of the seat. It’s not a normal issue.
The Republicans have consistently cited isolated quotes from Joe Biden and others to say, “Well, the Democrats did it too.”
Not true. There may have been isolated quotations, but the Democrats never ever deprived a Republican president of at least a hearing on his Supreme Court nominee.
That is why I disagree with you. This must not be treated like just another normal issue where Democrats have to run differently in different states. Sadly, your position is carrying the day in Washington DC.
We are thereby creating a terrible precedent.”
JESUM CROW ! Grow a pair !
Our mentor and ‘Lion’ leader, Ted Kennedy, is spinning in his grave right now shouting out to us :
“The only problem with Democrats is that they are afraid to take their own side in a fight. The last thing this country needs is a second Republican party.”
Fred Rich LaRiccia
We can become the party of the fair deal, the honest neighbor, the party of the little guy who will not, no matter what, stand up and fight for what’s right.
This is our moment to fight for justice. This is our time to call for impeachment, to stop all conformations until the Russian connections are uncovered, verified, and all those connected are in the least, removed from office if not imprisoned.
Or we can wait until 2018 and run on our usual list of issues and keep our ties to big money intact, run a campaign void of values and keep losing elections.
the little guy who will, no matter what
Our courageous Senator, Elizabeth Warren, RESISTED yesterday :
” There should be no further action on a Supreme Court nomination until the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia is complete. The FBI Director testified Trump’s campaign is under investigation for collusion with Russia. Lifetime court appointments can wait. ”
Ladies and gentlemen. That’s called LEADERSHIP !
Senator Warren. Ted Kennedy and those of us who loved him are so proud of you for standing up and doing the right thing. Bless you.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Dems plan to filibuster.
The problem isn’t Dems having done anything wrong and therefor it’s the responsibility of the Dems to fix it…. The problem is that Mitch McConnel took a big steaming shit right on the constitution AND that everyone else — Including Judge Gorsuch — are trying to pretend it doesn’t stink.
Judge Gorsuch could go down in history as a great and wise American if he declined to accept the position under these circumstances. That he does not betrays a grasping ambition distinctly at odds with the constitution he’ll supposedly uphold.
So, I say, instead of playing all kinds of insider games and pretending this is more or less a normal day in the Senate, each and every true American in the Senate, whether they be D or R, should loudly and repeatedly ask “What the fuck is that awful stench?”
I actually think the Gorsuch nomination has been one of the finest displays of Democratic solidarity and spine in recent years. Schumer has surpassed my expectations with his willingness to fight this tooth and nail. It looks like red state Senators like Casey, Brown, and McClaskill are pledging to vote no which will put real pressure on Donnelly, Tester, and Heitkamp. Bennett got reamed by the left just for introducing the guy at the hearing, one of those weird Senate traditions like the candy desk, and will be a probable no.
Franken, Kloubuchar, Whitehouse and Durbin all asked great questions. The frozen trucker case is a great optic to really hit home at how Javert like Gorsuch is when it comes to the law. It hasn’t been personal-his judicial philosophy is fine for a classroom-but it can hurt real people when practiced in the courtroom. I think that point has been driven home. This is not a swamp draining judge, and Whitehouse really hit him on the superpacs backing him.
I mean we can’t stop the nomination since we don’t have the votes, that’s asking Democrats to do the impossible. There are zero Republicans with the principles needed to veto this. Even Graham-who laudibly voted for Kagan and Sotomayor-has his hands bloodied by the Garland Gambit. But if every Democrat votes no and we nuke the filibuster that is a symbolic win that fires up the base. Then hold every pro-owner ruling against them in 2018.
I had not heard of this one. Wow. It hits home. I was a truck driver for Kraft Foods. My fuel lines froze and my truck stalled on Route 2 in Lexington. I was stranded there for about three hours. The temperature in the cab got down to about 30 degrees. The maintenance/service/tow company that Kraft had contracted for this blew it. Their dispatcher had my truck/location confused with another and no one ever came. I knew I was in deep crap when the dispatcher called me and told me they picked up my truck, the same truck I was in!
My cell phone was dying so I made one last call to my wife to come and get me. She, instead, made the right move and called the state police. A trooper arrived within minutes and drove me to a convenience store where I warmed up, charged my phone, and hired a taxi to take me from Lexington to the Kraft freight terminal in Raynham.
I got a call that evening from Kraft’s regional manager and the tow company’s owner, making sure I was okay. They made a lot of changes after that.
And to think that Gorsuch would have wanted me to stay with the truck?
Golly gee, screw him.
#1 occupation listed on federal taxes in 47 states including MA and IL. Lot of folks who will be screwed by automation in ten years to which Trump doesn’t have a plan. A lot of folks already screwed by the judge he choose to put on the bench.
As you and I have discussed many times, we are facing a serious oversupply of labor, because of current labor laws and tax codes, and neither party has the guts to say what we will have to do about it, eventually.