So I’ve been watching CNN more often than usual and the only face on there more than Trump seems to be Charley! Have you seen the commercial? This reminded me that it’s been a long time since I have posted at BMG. So here goes again…
Trump continues to show new and unprecedented levels of incompetence. When he said we were going be winning like never before, it’s pretty clear he meant whining.
I guess he can’t get anything done unless he has the executive, legislative and judicial branches under his thumb. It is a sad state of affairs. Poor Donny.
A primary example of his incompetence is his executive order to ban Muslims. Had he NOT stated he wanted to implement a clearly unconstitutional Muslim ban, this version of EO would likely have survived a challenge. Not only were his statements abhorrent, they were strategically speaking, plain dumb. Yet it’s not his fault. The crazy activist judges are to blame or it’s Obama spying on him or the media. His problems lie with everyone and everything but his own incompetence.
Quite frankly I’m happy his incompetence is causing problems in enacting policies I disagree with, but there may come a time when it causes real harm and that, none of us welcome.
As an aside, I believe the incompetence angle is the most effective way to reach the seemingly implacable Trump supporter.