It will soon dawn on the GOP that Pence & Ryan wait in the wings, not a Democrat. It will also dawn on them that running with the madness of Donald wrapped tightly around their necks is not as appealing as it once seemed.
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It would be nice if this was true, but I really don’t think so. They don’t particularly like Pence, it seems, and they may think Trump is easier to work around.
I think they would feel comfortable with Pence, and will be unlikely to impeach him even when clear that they should. We shall see.
They better hurry. Dems could take over the Congress in 2018. I wouldn’t put money on Pence. He’s in this Administration up to his eyeballs. He knew about Flynn–he wasn’t lied to. He worked on Comey’s dismissal, which is conspiracy to construct justice.
Time will tell on how bad Ryan’s compromised–not by Russia–but by Trump. There are rumors floating around, however, that a number of Republican organizations have been involved in money laundering. (I regard these as having more than zero truth value, but have no reason to have more than low confidence in their veracity).
Never gonna happen. This week should have completely dispelled us of that notion. As conservative Ross Douthat pointed out in his column this week-Trump will not learn to behave and the institutional GOP will not make him. These two facts have to be proven beyond any doubt by now.
That is true as of today. It will happen. Our system in which senators run statewide will ensure that they abandon him. They need more than 35% of the total vote to win. They did not get to where they are by being fools.
It is so sweet that people think there will be free and fair elections in 2018. May all of you who believe that to be likely do your damnedest to make sure that free and fair elections with no voter suppression happen in 2018. I know I will.
We’ll still have to deal with the gerrymandering for 2018 and the recent changes in leadership and budget for the Census Bureau don’t bode well for 2020 redistricting.
The longer the Republican Party allows Trmp’s treason to go on, the more deeply ALL of them are implicated in that treason. Every day they refuse to investigate the many suspicious activities of the Trmp family and Trmp campaign is another nail in the Republican coffin.
My view is that it is already too late for most of the House and Senate leadership and everyone who agreed to become part of this administration. The Republican Party is now tied securely to Trmp and can not disentangle themselves from him without serious damage.
The only Republicans I can point to who are not completely on board with Trmp’s corruption are Rep Justin Amash and Sen Ben Sasse. The GOP will abandon Trmp only when we, the people, force them to. They will not do it on their own. Witness NJ Rep Frelinghuysen’s recent little intimidation tactic with one vocal constituent ( This is the attitude of Republican legislators – circle the wagons, kill the messengers, intimidate the voters.
It’s Trmp’s party now and we should be happy to remind anyone and everyone of that fact. When your political enemy is drowning, throw them an anchor, as the saying goes. These corrupt thieves and plutocrats should go down for the count. Permanently. Impeachment, jail time, restitution, and eternal ignominy is not enough but it’s a good start.
Aside from the condescension of your first sentence, I agree with you. I would be tying the Republicans to Trump and treachery, but even more so the utter moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Republican Party.
The GOP is privately furious with Trump for having to clean up his mess but publicly supportive. Their frustration was best expressed by Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) : ” Can we have just one crisis – free day? “
This Vox article makes a compelling case this won’t end until Ryan and McConnell turn on Trump. They have no incentive to do so.