I check the Meetup events 5 miles around Cambridge for my weekly Energy (and Other) Events list at Hubevents (http://hubevents.blogspot.com) every week. Lately, the Greater Boston Tea Party has become more active and their last two meetings had anti-climate change speakers of some repute.
Here’s their latest meeting announcement, following the advice of Sun Tzu
Know him know self
100 battles no peril;
Not know him and know self,
One win one loss;
Not know him, not know self,
Every battle must be perilous
Tea Party 2009 vs #RESIST 2017 / Mass. Races 2018 – GBTP Boston
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Lir Irish Pub & Restaurant
903 Boylston Street, Boston, MA
RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/Boston-Tea-Party/events/238552682/DATE CHANGED – I was just informed (@ 3:15) that the venue had to cancel, due to it being overbooked.
MOVED to Tuesday, May 9th.
In 2009 the Tea Party was born. In 2017, the “Trump Resistance” came into being.
Tea Party: Grassroots activists with thousands of local leaders. Millions became politically active and had huge influences in the election of Scott Brown and the US House and Senate races in 2010.
Trump Resistance: Generated primarily top down with a centralized command and control. Heavily funded by a number outside influences, and as shown by the documentary America Under Siege: Civil War 2017 – these are the people the Russians were behind!
PLUS – the same way the Democrat Party had the Ku Klux Klan, the modern #Resist movement has AntiFa (“Anti-Facists”). Definitely MIS-named, since they are the anti-free speech and violent arm of the current #Resist movement.
PLUS – We will be discussing the most meaningful races in Massachusetts in 2018. All the Massachusetts Constitutional officers are up for re-election (Governor, AG, SoS, etc). And Elizabeth Warren is up for re-election, and faces a number of Republican opponents.
Last I checked, there were 23 #Resist or Indivisible Meetups within 50 miles of Boston and 2 Tea Party meet ups.
Go to the meeting and debate them?
I was just wondering that. I know gmoke, I’m pretty sure he couldn’t pass as a Tea Partier at this meeting. .
If not that then this:
I wouldn’t go to debate climate change. I say Solar IS Civil Defense instead. Preparing for the next weather emergency, which everybody knows is coming whatever it is, turns out to be, mostly, climate change adaptation and some of it actually turns out to be mitigation. So I don’t care what you believe about climate change if you’re willing to work on a more weather AND climate resilient system.