[editor’s note: Just getting to this, just in time for the convention. Originally uploaded on 5/27. Always worth it to hear the Gov.]
Ed & Jeff sit down with former Democrat nominee for President 88′ and former governor of Massachusetts Michael Dukakis to talk transportation and politics.
Please share widely!
Charley on the MTA says
I am not ignoring this! It’s just hard to get an hour of time, even to listen to Duke, one of the all-time greats. #notapodcastguy
Jeff Semon says
It’s must see TV. I “wonder” why it wasn’t front paged here?????
Charley on the MTA says
Will get to it later today
SomervilleTom says
I gave up after the first few minutes. I have little time and no patience for sitting through Republican talking-heads repeating tired old GOP talking points.
Jeff Semon says
^ open minded liberal.
SomervilleTom says
Sorry, not biting.
I’m a veteran of a decade of similar nonsense from climate change deniers. The first two or three questions make it clear that the interviewers were not interested in a substantive discussion of public transportation.
Your response to my comment confirms that impression.
Jeff Semon says
You know what? You’re right! I was snarky. sorry about that.
That being said. I’d encourage you to not dismiss it out of hand. If you’re not interested after watching the whole thing, no big deal.
SomervilleTom says
I accept your apology.
Jeff Semon says
The podcast is an honest effort to bridge the ideological divide and get us talking to each other instead of yelling and insults.
A calm rational discussion of ideas.
It’s the whole reason I posted here.
But we don’t have to do that. We can continue to character assassinate, continue to shout others down, continue to make our echo chambers louder.
I can post and not engage and let the insults be.
If progressive arguments are superior, then there should be no hesitation to discuss them in the forum I am trying to create.
Be well, Jeff
petr says
You’re the one who attempted to call a long time poster, SomervilleTom, an ‘open minded liberal,’ with what one assumes was an ironic sneer…
Then you doubled down on the snark when you got all ‘ouch, sick burn!” At which point you used the word ‘audience’ suggesting not a ‘debate’ at all (of any level of intelligence) but a mere reception of your words of wisdom. Like we’re all just waiting to hear from you.
So I had some fun with you… and at your expense. I didn’t think, and still don’t think, that you’re going to give me an intelligent debate so I let off some steam.
I’ve been here, in this forum, since 2006. Where have you been? I chose this forum because I like to write and because I can think through my writing. I get you think your forum is superior. It isn’t. Doesn’t mean it’s inferior. This is the forum I chose and the forum I like. If you come here and use words like ‘audience’ and expect that we’ll all genuflect to your podcast because you say it’s ‘intelligent debate’ (or even ‘fair and balanced’) … well, I can’t speak for other here, but for myself only, the proof is in the pudding. And If put my finger in the pudding and all I get is snark in return…
Jeff Semon says
I was snarky to Tom, my bad. (Call it a reflex action to the comment section)
I want to encourage thoughtful dialogue and that doesn’t help.
Check out the whole episode, like it or hate it, I want the spirit to which I am approaching this to come through.
SomervilleTom says
I’m reminded of those who perpetuated a “calm and rational discussion” asking — over and over and over again — how a “trace gas” in the atmosphere could possibly influence the climate. Asking over and over and over again “questions” that have already been asked and answered in the literature for decades.
Let me be more specific. The relationship between demand for convenient, safe, and affordable public rail transportation and demand for automobiles has been addressed at great length for decades. Belaboring that line with Mr. Dukakis is simple harassment — harassment that Mr. Dukakis was too courteous to simply dismiss as “asked and answered”.
When you or anyone else is interested in genuine discussion, brings genuine questions to the forum, and demonstrates that even a token effort has been made to see those questions have already been answered, then we can have more constructive discussion.
That is not what I saw in this podcast and your commentary here.
Charley on the MTA says
I’ve deleted more comments of a profane and personal nature.
Do better, folks. That stuff is lame. It’s not justified because you’re “right.” It just sucks.
petr says
But… hey now… I’m an angry middle class white guy! You can’t hold me to an actually consistent standard. It was the economic anxiety that made me do it!
Plus, I have a note from Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein and Ralph Nader excusing me from the consequences of my speech. I want my profanity!! Feel the bern!! Make America Profane Again!
Obviously, Charley, you’re just a tool of the Wall Street – Ernie Bock Cabal (even though that’s just two hedge fund traders, a disgruntle Chipotles Sous Chef and all 14 of EBIII’s personalities…. still and all, they’re apparently allowed, since they don’t use actually profane language they can get away with using more genteel speech to say and do things that are decidedly more profane…)