Donald Trump today called the Russia investigation a “phony witch hunt” (emphasis mine):
Despite the phony Witch Hunt going on in America, the economic & jobs numbers are great. Regulations way down, jobs and enthusiasm way up!
I know I’m picking nits, but still — words matter. This is our PRESIDENT, for crying out loud, and he is uttering pure gibberish!
What the hell is a “phony Witch Hunt”? Would he prefer a real witch hunt? This is a medium (twitter) where Mr. Trump is supposed to be a master, and a medium where literally every character counts.
Of course, the entire message is meaningless junk. Still, that word — “phony” — it reeks of McCarthy-era red-baiting. We know that Mr. Trump spent his lifetime under the tutelage of Roy Cohn, Joseph McCarthy’s “right-hand man”.
It seems as though Mr. Trump is summoning the ghost of Joseph McCarthy. Am I the only one who notices this? Didn’t we already learn this dreadful lesson once, more than sixty years ago?
” At long last, sir, have you no shame ?” Question put to character assassin, McCarthy, at the Army hearing by defense counsel Welch.
Same question should be put to draft dodging, womanizer, bone spur deferment, Coward in Chief RE: Purple Heart / Bronze Star patriot, Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Trump is showing signs of being scared witless. With his fortune, he’s always been able to bluster, bullshit, and litigate himself out of bad situations. His money, however, won’t buy him out this one.
Did you notice t(he)y sent out a press release on DOJ letter head saying not to pay attention to anonymous sources:
Sounds a lot like one of our allies has some information it’s planning to leak. The rumor mill says there’s been chatter about TinkleGate. Look to The Guardian for stories. They’ve had some good stuff.
I suppose that it is the pressure of living a real reality-tv show creating the chaotic mess of his disingenuous lies leads him to disconnectedly fall apart while his mind psyche melts into a pool of puddles… He may discombobulate explosively at any time.
Although, to be honest, ‘phony witch hunt’ pretty much sums up every instance of every iteration of every investigation of each of the Clintons since 1992. The Donald apparently tweeted, without irony, yesterday something to the effect of “all these investigations and nobody’s been able to pin a single thing on me.” Gosh, if that logic worked for Hillary she’d have cruised to victory in ’08.
Then he brings up Hillary, thus continuing his grand game of “I know you are, but what am I?”