The campaign to put a price on carbon pollution in Massachusetts has unprecedented momentum. This past Tuesday, 200 carbon pricing supporters filled the halls of the State House, meeting with 50 different legislators.
We really turned the heat up, and we can’t stop now. On Tuesday, June 20th, the TUE committee will hold a hearing to consider the two pending bills, and we need you there. Can you make it to the hearing, and bring two friends?
When: Tuesday, June 20th, 1pm
Where: Gardner Auditorium, Mass. State House
RSVP here.
The bills cannot move forward until they’re voted favorably out of the TUE committee, so we need to demonstrate overwhelming support for the legislation. This is our chance to make Massachusetts a true leader on climate. Help us pack the room to support an all-star lineup of experts who will testify on behalf of the bills. Bring signs and friends.
I will include this in my weekly listings of Energy (and Other) Events around Cambridge, MA available at
Been performing this FREE service for about 8 years now and am thoroughly disappointed in how little the energy, environmental, and activist community use it. If those communities consistently mined the opportunities available in the free and inexpensive events on their topics of interest that occur every day at academic and local venues, those communities could be better informed than many “experts” and exert influence and power by asking pointed questions to all the bigwigs and panjandrums who pass through this town.
But I guess people don’t see that as “political.”
I’m revamping the BMG calendar soon … would you want to post the events here?