When he said the Office of the Presidency makes a small man big. He obviously wasn’t thinking about the possibility of a Donald Trump ever holding the job.
Trump’s vulgar misogynistic bully tweet attack against Mika Brzezinski was disgusting. As the father of a beautiful daughter, I found it repugnant beyond words. All the more so because Mika had recently suffered the loss of her Dad, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, a great American statesman and President Carter’s National Security Advisor.
53% of white women mysteriously voted for Trump. This, in spite of his sexist Hollywood tapes, personal attacks against Meghan Kelly and Republican primary rival Carly Fiorina. OK, that was the campaign. But now he’s President for God’s sake.
The CEO of Uber was recently fired for doing a lot less than Trump did. He touts his business experience as a qualifier for public office so he should now be judged by that same standard and resign or be fired.
At the very least he owes an apology to Mika and all the women of America.
At long last, sir, have you no shame ?
53% of white women.
I thought that looked wrong, but even so did not realize the overwhelming gender gap in our favor had a racial component.
Thanks for that important correction. It’s time to invoke the 25th Amendment.
53% of poor white (working class) women….
LBJ also said “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
That’s Trump’s play, and since the Democratic Party has ignored the “lowest white man” for so long, Trump had no opposition – the Dems had no defense. That’s why we lost. That’s why he won.
Trump won their votes because he gave the lowest white man someone to look down on – immigrants. This is also why antebellum southern whites who never had a chance of owning slaves themselves supported the peculiar institution. If you are suggesting Dems do likewise – no thanks!
I am suggesting that Democrats reach out to working class citizens, address them as working class citizens, and present bold changes to a flawed system that brings economic security to ALL working class citizens as they are.
Still whining after all these years
Ever since I was a young boy…..