Most of us voted against this idiot.
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Marshall Plan — the symbol of American led world peace, humanity, reconstruction and stability after the Allied victory over Fascism in World War II.
And now we learn that the demolition man, at the recent NATO meeting, struck support for ‘ All for One, One for All’ Article 5 mutual defense agreement out of his speech at the last minute without notifying his national security advisors.
All in our name. Shameful fool !
Fred Rich LaRiccia
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” This world is dangerous. Not because of those who do evil but because of those who stand by and do nothing.” ALBERT EINSTEIN
I vacillate between pessimism and optimism on this topic. On the one hand-there is no doubt this was a policy designed to troll the center and the left to feed a far right base’s contrarian hunger for outmoded fuels. Make no mistake about that. This does incalculable damage to our global leadership and credibility. This is one of the dumbest and most selfish things our nation has done since the Iraq War and it will impose a similar cost to our credibility and our future as a global power.
BUT-the rest of the world, cities, and markets will be moving forward anyway. Big business is increasingly climate conscious since the market has to make reality based decisions about what to invest in and which technologies will reduce costs and raise efficiencies. Those are all green technologies.
Wal-Mart and Amazon are already pioneers of LEED certified stores and warehouses to reduce costs. So is Apple. And as the cost of carbon ‘naturally’ increases (even without externalities like pricing and regulation that we absolutely should impose) and the cost of renewables continues to fall-coal and even transition fuels like natural gas will continue to be costly relics of an old way of doing business. Anyone serious about making money and competing globally will ignore them in greater and greater numbers.
Cities are already making compacts with one another-including the leaders of Pittsburgh and Paris who had a great op-ed announcing their commitment to an even stronger set of standards than the latter cities namesake accord.
Ironically the right has been warning about a post-American future and has in this century backed the two biggest foreign policy decisions ensuring such a future takes place. It really profoundly sucks for our country-but the world will likely move on and move forward without us. They rightly feel sorry for us-We did this to ourselves.
Make no mistake. Trump is not playing a cat and mouse game on any of this.
It Is the obligation of everyone who understands what is at stake to remove this man from office as soon as possible. This is true alone on the basis of an incredibly dangerous foreign policy that risks precipitating a war by tempting Russia to intervene in the Baltics and elsewhere where there are Russian minorities. We need only peel off enough House Republicans to set things in action. All efforts should be geared toward persuading those House Republicans, whatever it takes.