When the Senate CBO scored on Monday that 22 million more Americans will lose their health coverage under TrumpScare, Republican Majority Leader McConnell postponed the vote until after the 4th of July recess when GOPers return home to face voter backlash fireworks against their Robin Hood-in-reverse tax giveaway to the rich disguised as Obamacare replacement.
Only 17% of Americans approve of TrumpScare because of a philosophical divide at how the political parties understand an issue that represents one sixth of the economy. Democrats believe Obamacare is a RIGHT that needs to be mended; Republicans believe it is a PRIVILEGE that needs to be ended.
” This boils down to a choice, a fundamental choice. The choice is this : do you take $1 trillion (over 10 years) and help the poor, the vulnerable and the working class with their healthcare, subsidized by the federal government; OR do you take the $1 trillion and return it basically to the wealthy.” Matthew Dowd, a career Republican
To choose is to lead. This fight isn’t over yet. Let your voice be heard.
Call Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote NO on TrumpScare.