A: Would you sleep with me for 1,000,000$?
B: …YES!
A: How about 1$?
B: What do you think what a person I am?
A: “We have established what you are, madam. We are now merely haggling over the price.”
We’ve all heard this joke. Whether it originated from Churchill, W.C. Fields, or Shaw does not really matter. I only use this to ask a similar question about health care, why Democrats are losing this argument, and how then can win.
Is healthcare a product or a process? Is healthcare an option or a right?
Is healthcare a product? If so, it cannot be a right. Products are purchased. Rights are given.
As far as I can tell, both parties are in agreement that healthcare is a product, now we are merely haggling over the price, and that means we are haggling over how many Americans will have to do without healthcare.
Democrats are up in arms about TrumpCare because an additional 20 million citizens will be without health insurance and consequently, adequate health care. However, Democrats seemed complacent with the Affordable Care Act and the millions that were not insured under that plan, a plan that declared that health care ought to be affordable, meaning a product that one must purchase at the market.
Republicans have one acceptable number of American citizens they are willing to leave out in the cold without insurance/healthcare and Democrats have a lower number, but both have a acceptable number greater than zero. They have established what they want healthcare to be and how many will NOT get it, now they are just haggling over the numbers.
It is past time that Democrats drop the notion that healthcare is a product. It is time for Democrats to admit and shout from the rooftops that the ACA is in trouble NOT because the government is failing, but because MARKETS are failing. It is time for Democrats to make the snide remark that “Republicans see the failure of markets and their solution is more markets. When will they learn that markets cannot manage healthcare?”
It is past time for Democrats to be completely different from Republicans on this, not Republican Lite with a healthcare bill that was the product of a conservative think tank and first implemented by a pro-business anti-labor Republican governor.
Healthcare is a Right!
Justice for All.
paul@01852 says
The argument is between apples and ocean liners; there is nothing in common so there is no way to compromise! Josh Marshall explains it better than I
fredrichlariccia says
Trumpism as prostitution. Yeah, I like that. Most of the Trumpists I know would throw their own mother under the bus if the price was right.
johntmay says
The Trumpists that remain loyal are hard, hard core, whose anger is only surpassed by their ignorance. Now is the time for Democrats to strike as real Democrats who not afraid to raise taxes on the wealthy and help those in need. .
fredrichlariccia says
The only language a Trumpist understands is RIGHTEOUS ANGER ! So it’s time to take the gloves off. No more nice guys.
First, we raise taxes on the rich by killing TrumpScare.
Next, we defeat every GD Republican on the ballot next year.
And that’s just for starters !
johntmay says
Looks like Senator Warren agrees with me on this,