Mitch McConnell wants to embarrass the moderate women senators who refuse to repeal Obamacare without a replacement plan? Okay Mitch. Keep torturing these thoughtful leaders.
The Democratic Party will welcome them with open arms.
Please share widely!
jconway says
I doubt your last sentence these days. We want a smaller, purer, more partisan and less effective tent rather than a 50 state party. Just look at the McCain thread. He would’ve been welcomed back in the day, now we can’t wait to dance on his grave.
Christopher says
I get the sense you are mocking the attitude you describe, but at the same time haven’t you advocated exactly that at the state level as a way of making the Dem majority more progressive?
jconway says
Correct and there’s no inconsistency there. My goal is for progressive legislation to pass in our country and our state. Nationally, the Republican trifecta is the biggest obstacle to that goal and the only road back to power runs through candidates that can appeal to working class whites again. Folks like Lynch, Manchin and Tim Ryan. I absolutely want them to win in states where we aren’t competitive right now.
In Massachusetts the biggest obstacle to progressive legislation is members our own party including its primary legislative leader, not Charlie Baker. Baker wasn’t governor when Bob DeLeo killed tax and revenue reform that would’ve salvaged the T. Baker wasn’t governing when DeLeo passed a massive tax increase on working people masquerading as casino jobs. Baker wasn’t governor when DeLeo approved of massive giveaways to pharma, GE, and film studios.
And I honestly feel we need some generational turnover for the House to change and that will come when the Miceli’s age out and Republicans replace them. We can pass more laws with 55% rather than 85% of the seats. Counter intuitive but true-just look at Rhode Island this week leapfrogging us on voter registration and sentencing reform. That’s the direct result of DINOs getting replaced by Republicans down there.
thegreenmiles says
Which people who just voted to steal health care from 20+ million people to fund a tax cut for the 1% should we be welcoming into the Demcratic Party?
jconway says
Murkowski to be fair voted against the MTP. Capito was always gonna fold.