Donald Trump Jr. just released his emails that prove he colluded with Russian agents by corrupting our democracy to get ‘dirt’ on Hillary Clinton back in June 2016.
This only confirms what I, and others, have been arguing here for more than a year. This is about betrayal of our country to a hostile foreign power. These traitors must be removed from our government and prosecuted now before they can do any more damage to our collective security, our free elections and our standing in the world.
My friend and Congressman, Seth Moulton (D-Salem), Iraq War Vet and recipient of the Bronze Star for Valor and the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation for Valor summed it up best today : ” If this isn’t treasonous, I’m not sure what is.”
A New York Crime Family is running this nation, in coordination with the Russian Mafia.
Corrupt Trump / Russia Kushner – manipulated digital collusion / targeted messaging in the battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio COULD have impacted election results according to Bob Woodward on Morning Joe today.
Remember that program “To Catch A Predator?” In short, it had a television reporter assume the identity of an underage female in order to lure prospective child molesters to a trap where they would be filmed, and later arrested.
Every man on this program was arrested by the police and charged as a sexual predator even though there was no underage victim involved and no other crime was committed and even though some said they had not idea it was illegal…
Donald Trump junior, if his story is correct, was lured into a situation where, if true, he would be breaking several laws. He went there with the intent to break those laws and even if he did not know it was illegal, like the child predators, ignorance of the law it no excuse.
Like the sexual predators, Donald Trump junior needs to be arrested and sent to jail, if indeed, America is to be Great Again.
First of all, this is an incredibly inappropriate metaphor.
Second, he wasn’t “lured” anywhere by anyone. They made a sincere offer, for whatever reason, and he accepted it. Period.
He was not lured? He was told there would be damming information regarding the Clinton campaign, information that was acquired by the Russian government, illegally.
The June 3, 2016, email sent to Donald Trump Jr. could hardly have been more explicit: One of his father’s former Russian business partners had been contacted by a senior Russian government official and was offering to provide the Trump campaign with dirt on Hillary Clinton.
The documents “would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father,” read the email, written by a trusted intermediary, who added, “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
If the future president’s eldest son was surprised or disturbed by the provenance of the promised material — or the notion that it was part of a continuing effort by the Russian government to aid his father’s campaign — he gave no indication.
He replied within minutes: “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”
Lured implies someone was trying to catch him.
They were trying to make a deal.
If you know anything about the Russians, they were trying to lure him and gain leverage over him. They were making a deal, sure, in which later on, if he tried to back out, they could threaten to expose his crime.
Unless you think the Russians simply had altruistic admiration for the Trump family and just wanted to help out a pal….yeah, that’s the kind of guy Putin is…
Part of my reaction is the implications of “luring” — as if he was innocent. He’s not. He willingly worked with agents of a foreign government to affect our election.
I see no evidence that Donald Trump Jr. was “lured” by anybody. Your comment suggests that this email was some sort of sting operation, and that there was no real material exchanged.
Current reporting suggests otherwise. The timeline of this exchange, various statements by the campaign, and the events that actually did transpire suggest that a real conspiracy was born and that the Russians delivered.
The program you describe existed because real predators prey on real victims every day. Those real predators are not “lured” by anybody, they instead eagerly seek opportunities to abuse underage boys and girls.
Yes, Donald Trump Jr. needs to be arrested and sent to jail. Not because he was “lured” in some Russian sting operation, but because he knowingly and enthusiastically sought to join a criminal conspiracy to illegally manipulate a presidential election.