Our healthcare is currently safe from being stolen because an 80 year old man — Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) — is recovering from brain surgery and can’t provide the GOP winning vote to kill Obamacare and pass TrumpScare ?
And this 80 year old man’s healthcare is some of the best available because it’s provided by the United States Senate and even if they destroy OUR healthcare this guy gets to keep his amazing coverage because he and his colleagues have made sure to exempt themselves from the Dismantling of Health Care Act of 2017.
Now, that’s how to Make America NOT Great Again. ( MANGA )
Please share widely!
Pablo says
Why don’t they give the taxpayers the same taxpayer-funded health care they enjoy, and be done with this nonsense?
jconway says
That was the John Kerry plan. The older I get, the better that man looks in hindsight.
JimC says
This is a rather strange story. I can recall a lot of times when one Senator or another was incapacitated for a while, but I can’t remember a vote ever being postponed for that reason.
jconway says
JFK used his illnesses to duck uncomfortable votes on Taft Hartley repeal, the McCarthy censure, and the 57′ Civil Rights Act.
Christopher says
For the record, it’s a blood clot behind his eye, not brain surgery.
marcus-graly says
The New York Times published a story that claims the GOP leadership has been greatly understating the seriousness of the condition, and it is essentially brain surgery:
SomervilleTom says
It WAS brain surgery. It was a craniotomy, and they used an eyebrow incision to access the site.
stomv says
Craniotomy is skull surgery — it may or may not involve the brain.
But we’re splitting hairs here. It’s major surgery performed near the eye and brain of an 80 year old man. It’s serious one way or the other.
jconway says
FWIW John McCain was the first presidential candidate I was old enough to want to vote for, a decorated war hero, and someone I’d vote for over Trump in a heartbeat. Obviously I voted against him in 2008 and he’s largely been a disappointment since the 2000 campaign, but I respect his service and wish him a speedy recovery. Even though I know he’ll demonstrate his “grave concerns” for this bill by voting for it as is.
terrymcginty says
I wonder if Senator’s McCain’s doctors and nurses are lobbying him? They should.
fredrichlariccia says
Had he not had Cadillac coverage, McCain’s surgery alone would have cost him $76,000.
stomv says
Is that ethical? Purely curious… is it ethical for medical staff to lobby patients, politicians or otherwise?
SomervilleTom says
Heh. For some reason, I’m reminded of uniformed and armed cops knocking on my door and asking me to donate to the “Policeman’s Disability Fund” (or similar entity).
I don’t know whether or not it’s ethical. I don’t even know if my own reaction is usual. I do know that I always wondered whether giving or not giving had any consequences.
fredrichlariccia says
Senator McCain has brain cancer. It was just announced. Our thoughts and prayers are with him.
fredrichlariccia says
Trump hasn’t made a statement yet. President Obama just said : ” John McCain is an American hero and one of the bravest fighters I’ve ever known. Cancer doesn’t know what it’s up against. Give it hell, John.”
Christopher says
Memo to 45: This is how real Presidents tweet!
jconway says
Not for nurses I can say that much.