Seriously. Any good parent knows that giving attention – positive OR negative – to a tantruming child only guarantees more tantrums. In this case negative attention is “positive” ’cause all those who are in the audience ’cause they like tantrums admire negative attention. Just stop giving attention to the vulgarities and other tantrum-like behaviors and step up and do – and focus on and talk about positive actions.
I did my best to keep you all informed on the #NoDAPL fight. You do all know that is still going on, right? And there are anti-pipeline camps springing up all over the country. And even some success in the courts.
You do all know that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts places court appointed attorneys into involuntary servitude – legally – for months every year, right? Let’s fix it!
You do all know that the 700 treatment beds lost when the Long Island Bridge was taken down have NOT been replaced, yes? Let’s talk about fixing this!
You do all know more mentally ill citizens of Massachusetts are treated in prisons than anywhere else, right? You know that, I hope. And that we are back to having debtor’s prisons. Shameful. Let’s work to fix this.
Why not focus on supporting PassMassAmendment’s fight to get the money out of politics? Passing the Safe Communities Act?
And training the 90,000 skilled workers needed for the Massachusetts economy by supporting PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION. These are the issues and actions I want to hear about. I am not going to add to the google buzz about a Tantrumer In Chief and those who think by making some people poorer, they will magically get richer and the steel mills will come back. Done with adding to ANY attention on vulgarities on twitter. Aren’t you?
And while we are at it, how about single payer health care?
This country will never get fixed until we rid ourselves of the reason it got broken in the first place.
Exactly. And that “reason” is also why we have a tantruming adult child as president. It is income inequality, “Mammon worship”, failure to teach civics and the dumbing down of public education as foundation reasons. Not a particular elected narcissist.
I am SO glad you posted this, I’ve been contemplating exactly the same post.
I want the mainstream media news outlets to STOP publishing the obscene and infantile tweets of the puerile bully who currently occupies the Oval Office. Here are some outlets that I explicitly mean:
– New York Times
– Washington Post
– Atlantic Monthly
– Los Angeles Times
I mean STOP publishing the texts. We know they’re awful, we know they demean the office, we know they shame America and Americans. STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM. Instead, run another front-page story, for a day, along the lines of “Donald Trump suffers another episode” with, at most, a link to the offending tweet.
Americans — not the government — should demand that Twitter block these offensive violations of its terms of service, and block these accounts that are repeat offenders. The mealy-mouthed self-serving rationalization offered by Twitter over the weekend is completely unacceptable (and also just plain incorrect).
Americans should be reminded that the First Amendment provides limits on the GOVERNMENT’s ability to restrict speech. Media outlets exist in order to provide editorial control over content. That editorial control rightly includes the ability and even obligation (when it comes to obscenity, for example) to suppress inappropriate content.
I think it is no accident that these outbursts come when at least the following outrageous assaults on our way of life are unfolding:
1. Real evidence documenting collusion between the Kremlin and the Donald Trump campaign is emerging.
2. The EPA is eviscerating regulations that protect all of us from all manner of pollution.
3. The Senate is proposing to remove access to health care altogether for tens of millions of Americans
Any of these, on their own, are right a major story in their own right that desperately needs to be revealed in the spotlight of media scrutiny.
Instead, we are wasting more weeks cluck-clucking about another round of tantrums. Cluck-clucking while not only doing absolutely nothing, but in fact encouraging these tantrums. The GOP are Collaborators who deserve to be pilloried along with Mr. Trump — he does what he does only because they allow it.
The rest of us need to find a way to END this travesty before our nation and culture is completely destroyed. And yes, I mean that literally. This man is an existential threat to the continued existence of our nation and he MUST be removed from office.
This question — “What did you do about Donald Trump” — must be made the political test of courage for our next century.
Rachel Maddow has made it a point not to report on tweets, at least for their own sake, and has seen her ratings increase.