I keep staring at this hoping it’s wrong.
If you mouse over Massachusetts, it says Elizabeth Warren is at 54%, whereas Republican Not Yet Named is at 46%.
Really? Some other Senators are in much stronger positions. I take comfort knowing the nominee will be horrible, and their numbers will tank eventually, but still, that’s a mildly alarming position.
Please share widely!
jconway says
I think Warren could possibly be vulnerable to Kingston, Gomez or Beth Lindstrom. But this is Donald Trump’s party now, so Geoff Diehl will win the nomination in a walk. And he is now standing with a President who stands with white supremacists.
Worth noting she is polling better now against an unnamed Republican than she did on Election Day against Scott Brown who had a similar approval/disapproval spread and still managed to lose.
We want a competitive campaign that generates interest since it will help the other Warren (or less likely Gonzalez or Massive) downballot in the Governors race and on some very important ballot questions coming up.
jconway says
Should read Massie, but he is indeed a massive underdog.
johntmay says
I like Massie on his positions but agree he the underdog. I am not happy with Warren’s attacks on the legislature and a few others things. I like Gonzalez the most and think he’s our best chance with independents…but I wish he’d come out in full support of single payer, or the road to it.
JimC says
I’d guess that any challenger starts at 40% or, especially in a non-presidential year. Seeing No One at 46 is a bit startling.
On the upside, she’s probably more or less immune from national money, since it would be considered a bad investment. But if EV is right, it’s a better investment than Bill Nelson’s seat.
Christopher says
Regarding electoral-vote.com, if you look at the fine print you’ll notice the source for those numbers is the 2012 results. The practice of that website is to use the previous election results as default until there is a named opponent and actual polling, so all that means is that Warren defeated Brown 54-46 in 2012.
JimC says
Thank you; I should have noticed that.
In the past they have compiled various polling sources, and they have sometimes excluded Rasmussen because it’s such an outlier. I imagine they’ll return to that closer to the election.