Whatever else one can say about the President’s performance yesterday, I think he has now guaranteed himself a 2020 challenger. The only real question to me is whether one of the candidates is named Pence.
The danger for us is that we have to focus on 2018 first, but we know that.
Please share widely!
jconway says
And we have to be ready to say who is Trump lite when it starts.
SomervilleTom says
I’d like us to aggressively seek ways to remove the entire Donald Trump administration from office well before 2020, perhaps even before the 2018 elections.
We have an opportunity to appeal to base and selfish instincts of GOP politicians RIGHT NOW who see themselves … not CNN or a Democratic donkey … plastered across the front of the runaway Donald Trump train.
SomervilleTom says
Editors: The blog is stripping img tags. My text input to the above comment includes:
<img src=”http://static.snopes.com/app/uploads/2017/08/trump-train.jpg” width=”400″ />
In case this quoted tag doesn’t work, it’s an “img” tag with attributes:
src = “http://static.snopes.com/app/uploads/2017/08/trump-train.jpg”
width = “400”.
This is what happened to my Harper’s Ferry posts yesterday. The editor stripped the img tags and left behind the (bold) image captions.
johntmay says
Trump will win the 2020 primary if there is one for the Republicans. He’s the best representation of the base, the movement, the life of the party. Republicans can run Jeb or Mitt or anyone off that list of establishment Republicans and Trump will beat them, again.
He is still in office. Not one Republican in congress or any Republican governor is calling for his removal.
And if Democrats run a candidate who will not agree to reign in Wall Street, raise taxes on the wealthy class, and make health care the right of all citizens, Trump will beat that candidate as well.
JimC says
Well, that’s dire. But you might be right.
johntmay says
When Trump was the early leader in the Republican primary, they all said he would peak and gone in a few months…and when he ran against “The most politically savvy and best qualified person to ever run for the White House”, he slaughtered her at the polls.
He has since been able to ignore the Constitution’s foreign and domestic emoluments clauses, made countless acts to obstruct justice, and he’s still in office. Charlie Baker still backs Trump as do a majority of states governors. The house and senate back him. The US Supreme Court is in his corner.
He just went on national media and said that some Nazis are good people.
I’ve stopped asking how bad it can get before the people rise up and remove him from office. I don’t want to know how much worse it will get.
Christopher says
He did NOT slaughter her at the polls! He got extremely lucky thanks to a constitutional quirk.
SomervilleTom says
Why do repeat the lies of Donald Trump?
Donald Trump lost the popular vote and squeaked into office by a razor-thin margin in three states.
He most certainly did NOT “slaughter” anybody at the polls.
SomervilleTom says
Well, I agree with this as far as it goes.
Given the still-unfolding fiasco of Charlottesville, are we ready to characterize at least SOME of Mr. Trump’s base as racist and bigoted deplorables?
I want to hope that the very fact that “Not one Republican in congress or any Republican governor is calling for his removal” is itself a millstone that we Democrats will use to sink the GOP in 2018 and 2020.
I agree with everything you’ve written here.
I hope you’ll agree that the hate that is exploding all around us is exactly what some of us said would happen if Mr. Trump was elected.
We cannot fight this explosion of racism, bigotry, hatred, xenophobia, and misogyny by ignoring it.
johntmay says
Republicans are ignoring it because they are holding out for lower taxes and an increase of the oppression of the working class.
Our candidates cannot ignore it, but they also must stop ignoring the plight of the working class, even if that means a loss of revenue into their campaign coffers from the wealthy class.
SomervilleTom says
Republicans are ignoring it because they know their base is filled with deplorable racists, misogynists, and antisemites who will stay home in 2018 and 2020 if those Republicans actually DO anything.
Our candidates do not now ignore the working class, nor should they ignore the working class in 2018 or 2020.
Look at the video of who faces a felony charge for pulling down a monument to oppression in North Carolina — a working-class woman.
That woman is a hero. We Democrats will gain votes by very publicly paying her hopefully-successful legal expenses. We will gain votes by ensuring that she has the same economic opportunities as any man of any race. We will gain votes by assuring that she has access to quality health care.
That young woman is OUR base, and we must embrace — not ignore — her.
johntmay says
If any Democrat running for office is not firmly in support of health care as a citizen’s right, a national minimum wage of $15, the lifting of the Social Security cap from $127,200 to $200,000, and the implementation of the Buffet rule he or she is ignoring the plight of the working class.
There is along list of Democrats who do not comply with what I just wrote, including but not limited to our last failed presidential candidate.
SomervilleTom says
At the moment, you are ignoring Takiyah Thompson.
What we’re talking about on this thread is the political implications of the embrace of white supremacists and nazis that Donald Trump made explicit this week.
It looks to me as though you have your head buried so deeply in the sand that you are not paying attention to the sea change happening in America right now.
America is rejecting these white supremacists. America is rejecting the deal with the devil that Donald Trump made with Mr. Bannon and the alt-right.
You are not paying attention, and you are explicitly ignoring Takiyah Thompson.
johntmay says
Takiyah Thompson? Is she running for a seat in the House or Senate?
And you seem to want to dismiss the reality that Trump is the president, not one Republican is calling for his impeachment, and the Democrats still can’t find candidate strong enough to run for office without relying on “the money HAS to come from somewhere”…and sell out to Wall Street.
White supremacists are a diversion. Follow the money. Follow the power. Takiyah Thompson will be forgotten in the next news cycle.
SomervilleTom says
Funny how you demand that we pay attention to your favored demographic, and absolutely ignore another.
Takiya Thompson is a black working-class woman. You demand that we ignore her and the millions of Americans like her.
Christopher says
Let’s not hitch our wagon to vandals. There are legal ways to get monuments removed if we must, though I hope law enforcement doesn’t overreact either.
SomervilleTom says
I’m not suggesting that we celebrate her vandalism.
I’m using her as an example of the many millions of working class men and women that GOP racism is attacking.
I’m demanding that we celebrate, not ignore, her and those millions of people like her.
jconway says
I celebrate her vandalism. If I wasn’t broke I’d contribute to her defense fund. The real vandalism is the cultural vandalism in the American South that has elevated the bondsmen over the freedmen for so long.
jconway says
I think Trump crossed the Rubicon and it’s incumbent on Democrats to say as much, and get friendly Republicans to match their rhetoric with action.
It’s great Gardner, Flake, Rubio and even Ted Cruz called it white supremacy and terrorism. But they voted to strip voting rights and funding for DHS/DOJ investigations into hate crimes. It’s great Collins has the lowest record of Trump support, but it it’s still close to 70% and she still voted for Jeff Sessions to end DOJ consent agreements with racist police department.
The same Republicans rightly condemning Nazis with torches go out of their way to immunize racists with badges from justice and oversight. They go out of there way to take away due process for immigrants of color and Muslim Americans.
It’s the same fight-the law isn’t color blind and until we call it out and make it so we won’t change a damn thing.
SomervilleTom says
It’s great that some Republicans condemned Mr. Trump’s offensive speech.
They have done NOTHING to follow up that condemnation with actions. We Democrats must remind each and every voter who works to overcome such hate and who works to advance and enable it.
Christopher says
Maybe this will make him so toxic, Republicans will reconsider impeachment, if only for their own good.
JimC says
I think they’ll use him to make themselves look better by comparison. If he costs them seats in 2018 and looks like he might cost them the presidency in 2020, then they might consider impeachment, but I doubt it.