There is a “must read” link in this post. I have come to the conclusion that Trump likes Nazi and Supremacist ideology and will give both as much oxygen and room to grow as he is able, based on publicly available data. The most intelligent analysis of why is one I came across in the Mennonite Review. I strongly recommend you all read it. I can now see why Trump sympathizes – it is because he too longs for the mysthical days of yore.
Thanks to Hawes Spencer for tweeting out this photo. The “time machine” aspect and sense of cultural displacement truly is on view. This could be a photo from 1860 in its emotional feel.
link again There is a “must read” link in this post. I have come to the conclusion that Trump likes Nazi and Supremacist ideology and will give both as much oxygen and room to grow as he is able, based on publicly available data. The most intelligent analysis of why is one I came across in the Mennonite Review. I strongly recommend you all read it. I can now see why Trump sympathizes – it is because he too longs for the mysthical days of yore.
The days of yore diagnosis is difficult to understand when the photos of these guys show almost entirely young people. It would be one thing if we could use the old dog, new tricks excuse, but 20- and 30-somethings were born well after the Civil Rights era. For their entire lives discrimination in housing, employment, voting, etc. has been illegal. A mixed-race society has never not been the norm for this generation. They have had plenty of opportunities to see capable people of all races and in all fields and walks of life. What could possibly cause their hatred? Judging at least anecdotally from reports of parents rejecting their children’s bigotry it sounds like some of them at least didn’t even learn hatred at home, usually the most likely source of such attitudes.
Did you read the article I posted Christopher? Doesn’t sound like it. Please do.
This is a comment I posted about this piece on another thread here. I reacted to the piece in a similar way to Christopher. I certainly read it.
Something is happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear.
I think it’s crucial that we pay attention to how YOUNG our right-wing extremists are.
The apparent perpetrator of Monday’s vandalism of the Holocaust memorial is 17 years old — he can’t be identified because of his age. Just last June, James Isaac allegedly vandalized the same memorial. Mr. Isaac is 21.
Dylann Roof was born in 1994 — he is 23.
The right-wing shooters and extremists that I see are young, not old.
Whatever Donald Trump yearns for, these young people are pursuing a dangerously false vision — a false vision explicitly created by Donald Trump, the right wing, and nearly forty years of GOP racist and sexist pandering. A dangerously false vision injected each and every day by Fox News into the world-view of the majority of Americans who mistakenly rely on Fox for their information.
Yes, we need peace and pacifism. I suggest that we also need absolutely firm standards. We need to insist that our government officials not only condemn this toxic behavior, but ACT on that condemnation.
Tom – I agree – but I am also trying to dig deeper and understand where this behavior is coming from and that is where I found this piece helpful.