If Medicare is something that all Democrats support when I reach the age of 65, why are so many, including the Democratic leaders of the House, Senate, the party and our last presidential nominee NOT in favor of Medicare for me when I was 64? ….or 54? ……or 14?
Please share widely!
I assume the argument would be that 65 is typical retirement age and before that your employer should provide it.
Yet another canard.
What “magic” happens when a driver turns 25? Does that driver suddenly become 50% safer?
What “magic” happens when a young man or woman turns 21? Does that man or woman suddenly become capable of handling liquor?
What “magic” happens when a young man or woman turns 16? Does that young man or woman suddenly become capable of driving?
Society and government is full of arbitrary ages, chosen for a long list of reasons — some good, some not so good.
This diary is just more noise, with no signal at all.